
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:32
The weather in South China __ are hot and rainy at this timeA.is B.are C.have D.has it is often dry and very hot in the middle of summer.Sometimes we have four or five days at 45°C SM the balled 的hot times的中文音译 Can I leave this door open at night这句话怎么理解?Can I leave this door open at night这句话是理解成:“我可以在晚上离开时把门开着吗?”还是“晚上我可以把门开着吗?(洪恩学英语是这样译的,不知道 I hate it that you leave the door open.中it替代的是他本身吗? Some of the-are very cheap中间的一条横我不知道该填什么 Leave the door open. 1He gave his to (helping the Chinese people) 2Norman Bethune was born (in 1890 )3He went to the front to (look after injured solders)in the First World War.4He opened hospitals to(give treatment to local people and soldiers,and to train doctors and n My parents want to go to the movies on sunday.My parents _____ _____ to go to the movies on sunday.改否定句 忘说了 - - put yourself in my place put 给几个例句!尤其是第一个 怎么用!给几个例句!至于put away,有几个意思就告我几个意思!最少俩 越多越好!还有例句!紧急!明儿就用! 新概念2里what did he think about every day是什么意思?新概念2里有一句汉化是:what did he think about every day.是什么意思?谢谢 where与which的区别是什么?如题. You every day for about three hours watching TV 对上面句子提问 Put your book away的翻译 put away your work翻译成中文 reach an agreement是什么意思 Have you come to an agreement什么意思 Need to want to come to an agreement that spoken language, They _____ (动身) early in the morning yesterday. what are you going to do with it?为什么用with,不用其他介词,比如:to,about. they were got up early yesterday 这句话哪里错 make 后面就可以直接加 动词原形 where=in which那这个An investigation was made into the accident,__fifty people were killed.为什么不能选where 关于in which 和 whereIt was in the factory where he works that his father worked,我想问为什么这里where可以用in which 替代,不是只有定语从句才可以么?这里 in the factory 做的是状语还是定语?我老是分不清楚, 定语从句那个which 前面什么时候要加介词,我上高一记得以前which只要从句宾语就行了,怎么现在要加介词了高一第一课时教的是which 可以作从句宾语,怎么到了第二课要加介词了 What letter is a question?(脑筋急转弯)谢谢了, Did you work hard (all the day) yes ,I did.请问可以用all day吗,两个分别怎样用, They ( ) some kites yesterday.括号里填什么?要填四个字母,首字母是“m”. But now I can speak a little ___ now A .China B.Chinese C .China’s D.English "斜体"的英文是什么? 英文有几种斜体 英文斜体怎样写的好看? Without water,--------no plants or animals.A there would beB there have beenCthere is