
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:05:09
How to be a good 大学物理实验报告最后一项,‘实验体会与收获’怎么写?我做的是霍尔效应实验.额外的,‘根据曲线变...大学物理实验报告最后一项,‘实验体会与收获’怎么写?我做的是霍尔效应实验.额外的 求一种化学反应:反应物有两种,其中一种为单质,另一种不限;生成物也有两种,其中一种也为单质,另一种不限.而且这个反应不为置换反应,请举出两到三例来. 寻找一种化学反应要求一种物质与氧气发生反应,反应物与生成物都应是无毒的,反应不是放热反应,都有什么物质可以发生这种反应,据我所知白磷与氧反应是只发出冷光不放热,但白磷有毒。 请问有无这样的化学反应?一种固态粉末状铁元素化合物,常温常压下与另一种粉末相接触,放出大量热,及生成一种红褐色粉末.请问这有可能是哪个化学反应? This may result in additional calculation costs,which will be transfered to ××× later. 某首英文歌的歌名,是BLUE某成员的歌.大致歌词:Tell me what I gotta do to pleasu youbaby anything you say I'll docause I only wanna make you happyfrom the bottom of my heart it's true 这首英文歌歌名是什么?歌词有:black black,blacking blue歌词发音有点不对,大概是这个音吧:还有歌词是what you don‘t understand ...you know i do anything for you .but you want do the same. 《黄河大合唱》是不是冼星海的作品? whatever you say ,please go out of my sight. Maybe, you out of my sight, but never out of my mind什么意思 谁有节奏比较明快(非电子舞曲`摇滚``),比较大众化的英文歌曲推荐下.类似后街`西城`BLUE那样的最好在推荐歌曲后方加上个人对该歌曲的评价`感受. found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.这句英语里,在time和the之间可不可以加whenfound out from them the exact time the star had appeared.这句英语里,在time和the之间可不可以加上when或that?还是说中间 this is the first time i watch stars through a telescope改错 This is the first time I watch stars through a telescope 改错 she has died ten ago,but she is still remembered by all who knew her 求化学水解反应和双水解反应的知识复制的也好,我看的懂就给分! 英语翻译 福禄寿喜各用什么动物代替他们都是用什么动物来代替的... I would love to jump out of a plane.这句话应该怎样解释? Every year the writer enters for the garden competition____.A.very B.also C.and D.either. 谁知道《historia de un amor》的歌词这首歌是《我的心里只有你没有他》的西班牙语版! turn up his nose at something这个表达方法是什么意思 Every year the writer enters for the garden competition_______.A.very B also C.and D.either 该选什 Turn one’s hose up at someone是什么意思? Every year the writer enters for the garden competition_____.A also B eithereither 不是与not连用表示····也不吗? There is a point at which methods devour themselves这句话什么意思 It started to rain, at which point we ran.能帮我详细分析一下句子结构吗?这句话什么意思 英语翻译求翻译.Indeed there is a point at which at which a controlled or guided democratic government and a "liberal" authoritarian administration can almost merge. 想象力丰富的来发挥一下想给朋友庆祝一个生日,她是个女的.平时很孤独想给她庆祝一个她永远也不能忘记的生日,要很浪漫 很真实的 帮忙发挥下想象力把从0-9的十个数字,根据发音、形状来联想比如0是足球,9是一个带线的气球,也是酒的意思越多越好, 大家来发挥一下想像力:如果人类有尾巴会怎样?比如:有美尾店.有防脱毛用品.不须要用拐杖.乘公车用尾巴扶着扶手等等.你们的想像力还不够丰富!比如你和恋人除了手牵手.还可以尾牵尾.也有 例句:故乡的歌是一支清远的笛,总在有月亮的晚上响起.仿句:___________,___________.例句:自信是帆,没有它,你的追求之舟会于浩淼的人生长河里搁浅.自强