
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 13:12:09
贾宝玉和林黛玉适合结婚吗? 宋词 《徐州》 汪元量 1 哪两个字用的好?为什么?2这首诗用了什么手法?表现了作者怎样的感情? 灞上秋居,这首诗中哪两个字最能抒发诗人情感,请结合诗句分析 包含雨薇两个字的藏头诗,最好是两句,最好形容一个人,可以在诗里面表露一定的感情,(一点点就够了)注意,感情不是最重要的,最好侧重在形容人的方面,分不是问题,想的好的我可以给两次 He failed to reply to my question.他没能回答我的问题.把failed to改成don't不行吗? you have left sb Mr.Duncan raised an unnecessa question ______he then failed to find an answer.有to/for/with/which选项是 to which/for which/with which。 He may ____the answer to the questionA.knowB.knowsC.to knowD.knowing并说明为什么 It is _______(不可能)for us to finsih the work in such a short time 英语翻译comments as follow:1,reduce front armhole 1/2" at front princess seam,fill in area and scoop to bring across front and across shoulders back to spec.2,add 3/8" to sleeve cap width @ a point 4" down from top/slv cap add 3/8" to front of sl 机械相关的:18.54 DEEP FROM (B面)PITCH TO BE: 英语同义句转换She is clever as well as beautiful.she is not___ beautiful ___ ___clever. 求logos的英英翻译... 英语翻译DP WILL BE MADE WHEN SHIPMENT IS MADE THROUGH BANKSSO YOU WILL CASH AMOUNT - LESS DEPOSIT THROUGH BANKS 英语翻译 英语翻译本试验在前提试验的基础上,以SO2的脱除率为主要指标,探讨了用柠檬酸洗脱和用酒精洗脱SO2提纯魔芋葡甘聚糖的较佳工艺条件.结果表明,(A) 柠檬酸洗脱SO2提纯KGM的最佳条件是温度70℃ 英语翻译我小腿和膝盖处,这几天也疼得比较厉害.请帮我检查一下,是不是风湿引起的?我的腰一直很疼,尤其是做的时间比较长的时候,请帮我检查一下,是不是有点腰间盘突出,还是因为肾等其 英语翻译 What did he do that's different from what Bill and Hillary did 萌发近义词是什么,必采 dia frampton walk away空间背景音乐链接谢谢了 分不多 ‘君子不齿”中的“齿”是什么意思? 宾语从句,只要从句少主语,就用what吗? 如数家珍 相貌堂堂 滔滔不绝 不屑一顾 彬彬有礼 相见恨晚の造句,要合起来的.不能是表哥驾到里的(因为我们学的就是这篇文章), 工商银行上pos出现spam是什么意思 spam 什么意思 SPAM是什么? 人所不耻 那个是错别字? 有一个成语叫什么我忘了,有一个成语忘了叫什么,意思说大家言论很可怕,成语中有众这个字 He was conscious of it.成分He was conscious of it.是不是主+系+表+状,那of it是什么状语呢 求英文翻译,谢谢活雷锋. Generally,there are two reasons for the spam eqidemic.Generally,there are two reasons for the spam eqidemic.On one hand,due to the fact that text message is a comparatively cheap channel,many comparies take advantage 为江湖人所不耻,