
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:56:22
The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ( ) of hunger and cold.A would die B will die C would be dead D would have died请问应该选择哪个?为什么?句子里的without和which 指的是什么?在句子里作什 he gave them clothes and food without which they___of hunger and cold.a.wuold have died b.would di Davi.d"s parents buy him a computer as his birthday present 同义句 本自然段第一句话这样句式相似的3个或3个以上的句子是排比句,你能从文章中找出几个吗汹涌的激流中,战士们的冲锋舟劈波斩浪,飞向漂动的树梢,飞向灭顶的房屋,飞向摇摇晃晃的电杆.在安 Let's have it today等于Let's make it today么 书虫文章的主题适合初三高一的那本书虫里的第二个故事the story teller反应的是一个什么样的主题? let’s me have a look 怎么改为 having a look have a lookthe policw (搜寻)his room for something the thief maybe hideyou have eaten up my breakfast (用two hours ago 改写) 薪的成语有哪些 练笔(200字)有关向日葵的精神,你从向日葵得到的启示200字就行,不要太多 1《种一片太阳花》中的太阳花象征着什么?太阳花给人们哪些启示?2找出选文中表现“我”的思想感情变化过程的词语. 《神奇的太阳花女生》给我们得到了什么启示? 太阳花给人们哪些启示? 带薪的成语有哪些 名人道德抉择故事! 带薪的成语有哪些成语 带薪成语有哪些 带薪成语有哪些成语 带薪带薪成语有哪些 用好像造拟人句 用宛如造拟人句 you look tired yes i_nonA have been working B have worked C had worked D was working选啥,他说这个话的时候是到不到5点那,还有 NON-STOP的意思用法 A few American ___ ___ (visit)our school lastA few American ___ ___ (visit)our school last Friday. 向日葵代表什么意思 《小书虫》 短文围绕 小书虫 介绍了梁晓天的几件事?都是什么? 关于书虫的作文 今天上午急用!有关《我身边的书虫》的作文,11:00以前答完.答得好(求求你们啦) John has some matches.(改为一般疑问句) Does John have __John has some matches.(改为一般疑问句)Does John have __________ matches? A;I'm tired this morning B;_______________________ A:No,but i didn"t sleep very well This very tired怎么翻译 俩个数的和为4,其中一个数比3的相反数大负2,则另一个数为多少? 英语作文题目Keep Our School Clesn要点:1.我们是中学生; 2.不随地吐痰、不乱扔垃圾; 3.不在墙上乱涂乱画; 4.每天认真打扫室内外卫生; 5. He bought some food in the supermarket last Monday.(用at four last Monday afternoon 代替划线部分改写句子)He _____ -______ some food in the supermarket at four last Monday afternoon)