
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:21:59
A,B都是三阶可逆矩阵,且|A|=2,|B|=3\2,则|(AB)*|= 五行中五个方位各对应什么颜色 请您们帮帮忙:复数z=(1-i)i(i为虚数单位)的共轭复数为1-i?答案为什么是1-i? 第1队修了全长的1/2,第2队修了剩下的2/3.这条路修完了吗? The English exam is not difficult,is it?--_____.Even Tom______to the top students failed in it.A.Yes;belongs B.NO;belonged C.yes;belonging D.No;belongling为什么不能选A 用belongs because it is difficult ()me 填to还是for It is not difficult to learn English.___ ___ ___ is not difficult.同义句 Janet and Catherine tried to write a message in English.However,it was too difficult.什么意思? A是四阶方阵,且r(A)=3,A*为伴随矩阵,则r(A*)=? 设AB均为n阶方阵,若AB=0,且B不等于零,则必有A为不可逆矩阵,为什么啊刘老师,麻烦你了 a small number of 甲数是已数的5/6,乙数是丙数的3/4,甲乙丙的和是152,甲乙丙各是多少? 除法中有乘法,是先算乘法还是除法?(整式的除法) It's wrong [ ]not to write him a letter.[ ]用of sb还是for It takes him half an hour to write this letter.同义句He________ ________ __________ __________ this letter. 已知a/(x+2)与b/(x-2)的和等于4x/(x^2-4),则a=?b=? 扇形的面积为S,如果圆心角不变,扇形周长扩大为2倍,那么扇形面积为多少? 扇形面积为s,如果圆心角不变,扇形的周长扩大两倍,那么扇形的面积为多少?第一学期中的“4.6扇形的面积(2)”的答案, 扇形的面积为S,如果圆心角不变,扇形周长扩大2倍,那么扇形面积为多少?扇形周长扩大为2倍 人教版七年级数学题7/2+8/3-16/9+3/2怎么做? (3/8-3/8÷8/3)*16/9简便算法 着急 , Don't you think it____to write the letter?A.goodB.betterC.bestD.well 请问选那个,原因是什么?谢谢 Don't you think it_____not to write the letter?A.goodB.betterC.bestD.well Don't you think it __ to write a letter right now A.good b.better c.best 为什么选b 一道英语填空:I think we should write a letter to the newspaper____the pollution-很多人填了on .或者about..可是那样填的话不就翻译成了我认为我们应该写一封信给这张关于污染的报纸.然后我就写了to report.. he can not read or write.who do you think he ___this letter A HAD WRITE B HAS WROTE C HAS WRITTEN D答案选A为什么不选c 一次函数y=X-4的图象与两坐标轴所围成三角形的面积等于多少 学校要建一个长25米宽15米深1.5米的游泳池,在游泳池的四周和底部贴上瓷砖,如果用边长为一分米的正方形瓷砖,那么共需要多少块这种规格的瓷砖? 全球有多少君主制国家?是那些?现在所拥有的国家! The first thing____my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.C.why D.who答案为什么是B.而不能选A It is a pleasure for you to write this letter to tell how much I enjoyed my stay ...怎么翻译? 已知一次函数y=(m-1)x+4的图像与两坐标轴所围成的三角形的面积等于4,且y随x的增大而减小,求m