
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:28:21
王阳明与朱熹思想相同点是什么 I will never pay you I will never help you.这句话的语法对吗?如果对就翻译一下. 谁知道"子曰:学而时习之,不亦乐乎.子曰:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎.”的意思 never will i forgot the day when.和i will frogot the day.有什么区别 英文翻译:我们逛了好几个商场,发现最便宜的也要500元所以只好买下了 "他在逛商场",用英语怎么说? 他几乎从未逛过商店,这句话用英语解释 果园里有100棵桃树,有150棵梨树.梨树比桃树多百分之几?(算式) 1.Do you think credit cards will take the place of paper money in the future?A.especially B.regularly C.similarly D.eventually2.It was in Yichang,a beautiful city,I got to know Mr Chen,a le arned professor.A.which B.where C.that D.who3.After graduati what you think the future of media consumption will look like?{in no more than 100 words}the more creative the better 你认为世界上有真理存在吗? 龙在这个世界上还存在么 My sister will never be late for school.改反意疑问句,急 thirty years before,they had moved to their cosy house.这里为什么用before不用ago? Dr martin luther king 's murder took piace about thirty years ago,before many Americans were born Thirty years had passed----- he kenw it A.after B.when C.before D.while 为什么不选B呢 Thirty years or so ago什么意思? 果园里有桃树326棵,李树比桃树多X棵,桃树和李树共有()棵,当X=84时,共有()棵. 果园种的李树是桃树棵树的7分之3,桃树比李树多96可,果园里李树和桃树各有多少棵? I think Alan won't change his mind.He will be sorry.改为if引导的句子 英语翻译 yet,when measured on one of most important yardstick of all 用five years ago造句 它的意思是五年以前 谢谢啦 in five years怎么造句space stationlive aioneone daywake upover and over againbe able tofall in love withhundreds ofin styleargue withcome turepay forcall sb.upout of stylein the futurehave a fight withnot.until造句 years ago怎么造句 格林童话的主要人物 三亚万豪度假酒店电话是什么 “吃啥补啥”,这句话有道理么? 请问,“吃啥补啥”这句话有科学根据吗? 吃啥补啥 科学么? “吃啥补啥”有科学依据吗?有谁知道?