
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:47:54
Use the following words to answer the questions.red yellow blue white black greenWhat color are they?They're______. 求翻译should movies be rated to show what audience they are suited for?explain why 请问这句话怎么翻译:tank to be rated for 15 psig & full vacuum at 200 deg f be rated be punctual for怎样译?求讲解 即位于北半球又位于南半球的大洲是? Can you tell me if debris flow in Zhonqu ( )worse than Sichuan Earthquake 请教括号里填什么? Can you tell us how you( ) the earthquakea.survived b.survived in为什么选a,不能加上in? 硫在氧气中燃烧时为什么要在下面装少量水?3Q如题. 英语翻译Each applicant should answer the following questions only on the basis of what is described in the samples. 一台水泵给一个水箱供水,工作1小时把水灌满.已知水箱高出地面30m,容积是50m的三次方 问水泵给灌满作了多少功 快 用live造句 是直播的意思 live on造句 China has a colorful ______(文化). The Thai culture is rich.But china culture is a step up correct?的意思 The books are interesting.(改成How引导的感叹句) apple这个到底怎么装? 几种装法苹果求大神帮助甲种纸箱可装苹果12千克,亿种可装16千克,有260千克苹果,两种纸箱都装完,每个都要装满.有几种装法?用算式表示 用his和her造句每个造两句 Shall we----、 I am too tired.A stop working B stop to work Cstop worked Dstop to work ing 关于温感和烟感自动报警器问题温感和烟感自动报警器连接同一条报警传输线吗?这图纸上是一条ZR-RVS2*1.5把三个的温感和一个烟感串起来的.而且管井出来也只是一条ZR-RVS2*1.5 烟感报警器需要多少电压 would you like to buy something 啥意思 Something Like You 歌词 sam is a small boy,改为感叹句 ____ ____ ____ boy sam is 急 把点燃的细竹条伸进小苏打和白醋混合后的杯中,火焰会怎么样A.继续燃烧 B.马上熄灭 C.燃烧半分钟后熄灭 用for fear of造句 Someone like you someone like me,Somewhere only we 100瓦的电机要多少铜100瓦的电机铜有多少 500瓦电机运转电流多少 no pain,no gain还是no pains,no gains?还是两个都可以? 游蕲水清泉寺,寺临兰溪,溪水西流.是浣溪沙这首词的什么?