
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:16:41
right here waiting,right or wrong 很急!六年级数学! the young man sat there smoking,_____ of sorrowA was full B full 选哪个,为什么? The young man sat back in his sofa,_______ with what he had worked out to do with the remainingThe young man sat back in his sofa,_______ with what he had workedout to do with the remaining work.A.having satisfied B.being satisfied C.To be satisfied 三次根号1728 wrong is happy,right is sorrow是什么意思 nothing is right nothing is wrong是什么意思nothing is right nothing is wrong谁能告诉我 英语必修4第一课Reading翻译(a student of African widlife)全文 A PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE 的翻译文 what___did he saidA.other B.else C.another WHAT HE SAID [ ] ME HAPPYA,MAKE B.TO MAKE C.MADE D.MAKING 我同学说是C ,不过这样SAID和MADE不就有两分动词了吗? What he said B19.They collected much money ________ the poor girl.A.in aid \x05\x05\x05\x05B.in aid ofC.with the aid of \x05\x05D.gave aid toB 考查固定短语.in aid of意为“帮助”;with the aid of意为“在……的帮助下 What he said annoyed us改同义句怎么改 1.一根桥桩全长12米,打入河底部分五分之14,露出水面部分比打入河底部分多0.7米,水深多少米?2.今年小明12岁,妈妈的年龄是36岁,多少年以后小明的年龄是妈妈的年龄的2分之1(列方程计算)有 已知:AB=40米,AD=100米,试求下面操场的周长 四年级下语文奇迹课堂227~228答案 英语翻译高中英语必修4UNIT1 怎样网购四年级上册语文和数学的课堂点晴 上课迟到、300字的心得怎么写啊? 古代埃及、巴比伦、印度、中国被称为文明古国的最主要原因是什么 一根木条24厘米长,围成窗户框架,横框x厘米,求木条面积,用代数式表示这个数 化简吧(x+y)(x-y)(x的平方+y的平方)(x的四次方+y的四次方)(a+2b)(a-2b)(a的平方+4b的平方)(a的四次方+16b的四次方) 计算,化简. 黄金分割 计算 化简分子是 3-根号5分母是 根号5-1我家有计算器.. The media has been speaking in glowing terms of the relationship between the two countries.in glowing terms of怎么翻译好 what's the relationship between the duties of the look out and the helmsman?求翻译(航海英语) 某商店买进甲乙两种商品共用去4000元,全部卖完后共盈利500元,甲种商品的利润率为12%乙种商品的利润率为14%.问甲乙两种商品的成本各是多少元? 急 the volume of trade between the two countriesThe volume of trade between the two countries,_________(正如报道的那样),has increased.标准答案是as(it) is reported.但是很多朋友答案是as reporte.请问这两个有shwnm区 what's the --(high) of the World Trade center . 某公司投入生产甲、乙两种产品的资金共为20万元,甲种产品的利润率为22.5%,乙产品利润率为33.3%.两种产品利润和为53640元,甲、乙各资金是多少万元?用一元一次方程或算数方法. 英语翻译this is for my peopleswho just lost somebodyya best friend ya babyya man or ya ladyput ya head way up highwe will never say byemamas daddys sisters brothersfriends and cousinsthis is for my peopleswho lost their grandmotherslift ya head t 一个长方体木块,宽8分米,高6分米,把他削成一个最大的圆柱体,这个圆柱体的体积是多少?快得