
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:32:12
英语翻译One day a man found a cocoon of a butterflyin the forest.He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly.Suddenly a small opening appeared ,and the butterfly made its great effort toforce its body through that little hole.Then it 英语翻译 请帮我翻译下面这段英文的最后一句In earliest times, men considered lightning to be one of the great mysteries of nature. Some ancient peoples believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.In reality, lightning is a f 英语翻译it’s why I’ve been focused on fuel efficient cars since the day I took office.Over the last few years,the annual number of miles driven by Americans has stayed roughly the same,but the total amount of gas we use has been going down.In 世界八大奇迹是什么有没有兵马俑-_-||| 英语翻译Where did we go wrong her parents are now very sad.Probably nowhere much.At least,no more than the rest of that unfortunate race,praents 世界八大奇迹的英文单词 新学期新打算日记150字 新学期新打算的日记怎么写(多余100个字)要尽快的 在聊天用英语怎么说 原句是有的人在聊天 新学期打算日记300字 日记 如何面对新学期 300字 希望您能给我一个机会用英语怎么说 请给我一个机会 好吗 英文怎么拼 世界八大奇迹翻译为英语 看戏用英语怎么说?最好与PLAY搭配, 看戏 的英语怎么说 He watched a film last Sunday对 watched a film 提问 你不值得我珍惜的英语翻译, 英语翻译“L”代表Listen(倾听),爱就是要无条件无偏见地倾听对方的要求,并且予以协助.“O”代表Obligate(感恩),爱需要不断的感恩,付出更多的爱,灌溉爱的禾苗.“V”代表Valued(尊重),爱就是展现 英语翻译People must be able to interact with and relate to others in order to flourish.请帮忙翻译,下列词请解释:flourich 英语翻译:中国的长城是古代的奇迹之一(ancient,wonder) we were s_ to see the famous movie star in the supermarket The famous film star is very _____ to his fans.(friend) 英语翻译是不是 LOVE COMES ALL OF A SUDDEN? 英文翻译一句话:因为我不是男的,所以我没资格爱你.谁会. 英语翻译谈判是为了达成协议而反复交流的过程 我们正在读一本无聊的小说英文翻译 可以在读英文小说时听的英文歌!中文歌实在影响效率.所以有没英文的? julia morgan,the famous movie star,is taking a vacation.she is going to spain,i just finished making my last movie,she says.i'm tired and i really need to have a good rest.i asked her about her plans.well,i'm going shopping and going sightseeing .i'm Is she _____(star) in the movie? She is going to Beijing for vacation.对for vacation进行提问拜托各位了 3Q