
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:49:37
have you any shoes?与do you have any shoes?有什么不同 The price of the book is too expensive.这个句子错在哪里? I'm sure that they must have visited the place before帮忙翻译下. 英语翻译they must perceive that the key issues have been resolved,think that they have reached closure on the situation,and view the conflict as part of their past as opposed to their future. --Students in Grade 9 must have ____ free time.--That's ture.They are always busier.A.fewer B.more C.less D.much I __that they must have set off A frighten B afrid C surprise D fear说明一下选项的意思,及他们的用法. 大学英语四级好不好过,我想考12月份的四级,应该怎样准备呢? Do you have any other questions?和Do you have any other question?意思一样吗 The price of the car is very high(同义句转换) OTHER/OTHERS Have you any _______ book on this/Do you have any _______ questionsHave you any _______ book on thisDo you have any _______ questions为什么是两个都是OTHER?而不是OTHERS? not everyone in the USA is ______.there are also many ___(贫穷的) people there how many people are there have in her family有什么错 天净沙秋思中描写了哪些景物 How have you ____ these books?borrowed,lent,kept,bought Do you have any books?Do you have some books?哪一个对? desk和dog还有bed中的d读音哪两个一样啊 After her boyfriend had left,the girl sat down and cried.这句话前后两部分颠倒一下还对不对?改成:the girl sat down and cried after her bofriend had left. After I sat down,a ___ (four) man stood up to speak. After I __ the office I sat down and began to write the reporta arrived in b got on c got to d reached for 中伏地魔和赫敏用英语怎么读啊 初读《HARRY. POTTER 》有几句不懂,请网友帮忙翻译一下.they were perfectly normal , thank you very much.which made drills.which came in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences,sping on the niehbors. 英语翻译Pauing only to employ a few of Uncle Vernon's choicest swear words,he staggered back into the kitchen,clutching his head and staring out of the window into the back garden.choicest Now many people move into cities in order to have their children__Now many people move into cities in order to have their children ___1.better educate2.receive well education3.better educated4.receive better education关于have的用法实在模糊, 写一句你最喜欢的诗句,并写体会到什么?是怎么体会到了 《天净沙秋思》 中描写思念家乡的句子 英语翻译我在国外租了台服务器,感觉带宽有限制,向他们反映,给的答复我用google翻译好象没有什么实质解决办法,不知是不是!原英文如下:第一封:Hello:It could be a myriad of things from your local interne People who are____might have too much yang in their life some people might feel ____ . Some people have pools of--- in their yards.A.themselvesB.their ownC.theirs ownD.their own's应该填什么? The computer is very important to us The computer is _____ ______ _____ to us To keep a habit is very important 同义句_____a good habit ______ ______a good habit. To laern English is very important.同义句