
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:42:15
改病句(已确定是病句)外交部发言人表示,任何人也不能动摇中国政府和人民维护国家主权与领土完整的坚定意志,任何人也阻挡不了两岸推进交流合作,开创两岸关系和平发展的历史潮流. East ,west, home is best.请问这是谚语吗?是什么意思呢? Do you know when_____?A.will class begin B.class will begin 简述神经系统的主要功能.比较无脊椎动物神经系统的进化过程. 哺乳类动物的神经系统的主要功能是什么?A 及时逃避敌害B 迅速获取食物C 接受刺激,产生反射D 产生各种行为 吃什么食物对神经系统有好处?不要长篇大论就说食物, java 某班(不足30人)去公园玩.该公园的票价是;每人5元;一次购票满30张,每张票可少收1元,这时怎么买 Ted's mother kept telling him not to tell lies,but ___didn't help .横线上可以填which吗?为什么? do you knw when_____(begin)our work急用啊!帮帮忙吧! what did he want to know that we could finish our work.A.when was it B.when it wasthat 前填什么 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳的故事越具体越好 He didn t give up the plan though he had failed mamy times though he was defeated many times,he didn't give up.的从句为什么不用过去完成时though引导的从句能用though having been defeated 表示不? Though he failed in making a model ship ,Tom didn't give up.怎样判断Though是副词还是连词? 游科技馆感受.游科技馆感受.写点什么... David didn't give up ()he had failed in the experiment four times.Aif Bwhile Cthough DsinceMr.zhao is very helpful.He often helps us () we are in trouble.A.whether B.although C.whenever D.however急,说明理由 红红和明明都热爱科学.红红每隔3天去一次科技馆,明明每隔5天去1次科技馆.7月31日那天他们都去了科技馆.(1)8月份红红去科技馆几次?明明去科技馆几次?(2)8月份,他们第一次在科技馆相 玲玲去科技馆参加小队活动他和小伙伴约定9:15分在科技馆门口集合从他家到科技馆大约要花40分钟,他最迟应在()时()分出发.他们9:23进了科技馆,活动结束离馆时间是15:08,他们在馆内 怎样在三十天内背过2000个单词 a woman without a man is like a fish without a bike?这句话中鱼和自行车有什么关联吗? A women needs a man like a fish needs a RT,直译的就算了,a fish needs a bicycle是怎么个意思? 牧神的午后中“A man needs a woman,like a fish needs a bicycle”歌的名字是什么啊? all men need air,完形填空All men need air.We __1__in air from outside our __2__every breath。When you put your face under water you cannot keep it __3__long. Aswimmer cannot swim under water very long.He needs__4__.A good swimmer may swim with 【首字母填空】The skirts are in a______ colours,such as black,white,green,red and yellow. grey-white=? grey-black=? black+white=?  red+green=? brown-green?填英文 怎样在十天内背2000个单词? Grey-white= Grey-black= Black+white= Red+green= Brown-green= 这些都是神马意思! 世纪公园的票价是:每人5元,一次购买30张,每张票可少收1元,七年级(1)班有26名同学去世纪公园玩他们最少要花多少钱买门票? 已知2,-4,6,-8,.,98,-100,求这50个数的和 初中生应背的2000个单词都有哪些帮帮忙啦!我很苦恼的! 怎样才能一天背2000个单词? 药店店长月工作总结怎么写啊