
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:41:05
X元素组成三种气态单质都是双原子分子,他们的相对分子质量分别是32,34,36.现有这三种单质的混合气体,分子数之比为15:4:1,下列说法正确的是A.若该容器中的X2全部转化为同素异形体X3,则X3的分 HCG>10000是什么意思 血HCG是什么检查? 什么是血hcg检查? 憧憬什么意思 哪些仪器属于计量器具的范围 They do not eat a m________in a restaurant,but they a bento in the office.逗号后两个词后加一个eat Our teacher _____him .A.speak high of B.spoke highly to C.spoke highly of .选什么怎么翻译呢 It's high time that such a practice __ an end to.这个到底选哪个呀?现在迷糊了~A.was put B.is put C.should put D.must be put 怎么通过铁心计算电机的额定功率主要是铁芯长度 请问如何区分device,equipment,apparatus这三个词是否可以互用呢,还是有微小的差别? can you tell me how I can get to the bus stop?(改为同义句)can you tell me the ______ ________the bus stop? A deal with us means a good deal to you是哪个品牌的广告语? appliance\device\utensil\gadgetry有什么区别呢?都有工具、仪器的意思,具体各侧重于什么呢? fixture appliance facility apparatus equipment区别 appliance 与 apparatus 有啥具体的区别?越具体越好 “视听设备”英语该怎么翻?“visual audio.(appliance、aids、device)” can you tell me the way to the bus stop?(用how,get to 改成同义句) He is really e____ ____.He is really e____ ____.怎么填? 60s 70s 80s 是谁唱的 60s 70s 80s 安室的 /莪要拿来整空间,所以要完整的地址.比带省略号,等号.是不带省略号,和等号 70S rRNA、80S rRNA中的S指的是什么? He's smoking hot!是什么意思 really he mother's strong pay as you go 可以翻译成私人定制吗? 我们在花的海洋里拍照 we have our photos taken _____ _____ _____ ______flowers. everything seems just out of reach. 用什么成语来形容银杏 求一个代表永远不分开的成语, 或是友谊长存的也行 {要四个字} 为什么要说 We both didn't speak .而不能说 We neither spoke.新概念2 lessons14 课后题structure7 怎样形容友谊长存 Economy is red hot. 是什么意思?谢谢:D~