
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:23:13
you always get me down baby!什么意思谁告诉我 a bit of & a bunch of这两个词有什么区别啊?后面分别加可数名词还是不可数名词? they are from America .but now they are in Shanghai 此处的Lines如何翻译?上下问如下:Lines form on my face and hands Lines form from the ups and downs I'm in the middle without any plans I'm a boy and I'm a man如果说翻译成“皱纹”的话,那么Lines form from the ups and downs 又 We look forword to regular,open communication with you in the future.请问这句怎么翻译 Yang Liwei had a flight in space----- a before this year b last year c in ten years d next year the movie The Earthquake in Tangshan is not only moving but shockingI can't ()you any more.The audience can't help tearingA get on withB catch up withc talk withd agree with 为什么要说the/a two-year-old boy 不能说two years old boy 藏语在线翻译,做人低调能帮我翻译一下吗? 快速按顺序写出全部英文字母,先到先得,发币,噢了 货币上有CTO字母的是哪个国家的?水印是的女的在跳舞 根据联合国设计推荐使用的用英文字母表示的货币代码,如下表述正确的是( A ).为什么书里的答案是A呢,有没有错啊根据联合国设计推荐使用的用英文字母表示的货币代码,如下表述不正确的 no chicks /very bored. very sad and bored for future是什么意思 Have you seen Tom at all this semester?中的at i have a ticket for this flim 为什么不用 of Jim usually watches TV on Mondays.(对watches TV划线部分提问) his father usually watches tv 对watches tv 提问 桌子上我放一个苹果,为什么“It is a apple on the desk',”“The apple is mine',两者的冠词为什么不同 填空要求,It is ( )apple .(这是一个苹果.)是应该填上an 还是one It is an apple与 It is one apple!这两句话有什么不同? 用where my banana is 连成一句话 求开中国银行非恶意逾期证明 银行承兑汇票延期证明怎么写? 银行承兑汇票的延期证明怎么写 急求一份关于信用卡逾期还款的说明书样本,就是向银行认识一下错误,保证不再逾期那样的,需等着贷款买房急等的啊,就是马上要向银行申请贷款了,为曾经的逾期还款作情况说明,自己手写陈 牛津高阶英语词典 原版与商务出版社出版的哪个版本好?有什么区别?请使用过的朋友指点指点.注:是英英词典,《OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER‘S DICTIONAR》 不是英汉词典朗文当代英语字典 与 牛津高阶 请问:Do you have to leave now?中,have to是情态动词吗? 情态动词+do 情态动词+have done 这两个有什么区别啊?是不是有一个表推测一个表虚拟? There's no time.We have to do it just away改错 为什么roof的复数不是reef The house was desolate,ready to be torn down.这房子没人居住,等着拆除.这里ready to be 不定式可以去掉吗?不太理解这里to be 作用,如果改为ready torn down呢?The house was desolate,really torn down这样可以吗?直接 同义句If you don't help me,I can't接上do it myself.同义句:___your____,I can't do it myself.