
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:18:02
When is the best time to visit Qinzhou?(英语作文)急用! 2X平方+2Y平方-4X+8Y+5=0 求圆心坐标和半径. 可以用方程.给好评啦! 用方程解决,给好评哟! 急,能用方程的用方程, 用方程……好评 He was elected President for the second time.翻译 With a lot of difficult problems____,the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A settled B settling C to settle D to be settled.书上选C,正确么? He was elected ______ President of our country for the second time in _____ year 2004.A./ a B.aHe was elected ______ President of our country for the second time in _____ year 2004.A./ a B.a; theC./ theD.the; thewas 有被的意思? They elected Linedn President of the USA 有五个连续偶数的和是130,这五个偶数分别是多少? 五个连续偶数和是130,五个连续偶数分别是多少? They elected him president of the U.S.他们选他当美国总统.president后有of,那可不可以加the呢? 有五个连续的偶数的和是130,这五个偶数分别是多少? 有五连续偶数的和是130,这五个连续偶数分别是多少? 请问怎样求出这个方程啊, 已知cos (π/3-a)=1/8,则cosa+根号3sina的值是多少 能被2、3、5整除的最小的偶数是多少? 如图,AB是圆心O的直径,且AB=10,弦MN的长为8,若弦MN的两端在圆上滑动时,始终与AB相交,记点A、B到MN的距离分别为h1、h2 ,则 | h1-h2 | 等于? 谁会这个方程式啊有好评 (-7根号十四分之三)的平方等于多少计算题 -根号下7的平方等于多少 the Supreme Court的中文意思 three Justices of the supreme court 根号括号3-pai的方+根号括号4-pai的方 英语翻译In Sawyer v.Whitley n36 the Supreme Court held that Sawyer had failed to show that he was actually innocent since his claim on appeal did not relate to his guilt or innocence of the underlying offense or to the aggravating factors that ma 已知a,b属于(0,pai/2),tana=1/7,sinb=1/根号10,求sin(a+b)的值 excel =RIGHT(D3,LEN(D3)-FIND(" ",D3)) 怎么写才可以只要空格右边3个字超过的不要呢=RIGHT(D3,LEN(D3)-FIND(" ",D3)) 怎么写才可以只要空格右边3个字超过的不要呢 =RIGHT(LEFT(A2,10),1)这个excel公式是什么意思? =IF(MOD(RIGHT(LEFT(D4,17)),2),"男","女")谁能告诉我这个函数公式应该怎么解释啊?跪求答案 excel函数,=IF(MOD(RIGHT(LEFT(B2,17)),2),"男","女")这个函数几条意思这是提取身份证号码用的,举例:342501196602230796 求值:3X-(2X^2-4X+1)+(3X^2-2X),其中X=2用幂的形式表示结果:[(3X-2Y)^2]^3*[(2Y-3X)^3]^5