
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:20:38
Keep peactising,and your english will improve为什么是improve不是be improve I want to get off at the _____ (nine) stop. 2.-Look,the bird is in d______ .-Don't climb up the tree如题 7B unit5的 It is d___ to climb the tree There are also good food in Kunming.(找出下列句中的错误并改正)我脑子卡住,做不出 There are also good food in Tianjin.哪错了并改正 housing,a,also,in,there,pool,is,the,estate,连词成句. 连词成句.1.also,ate,good,food,he.2.the,the woed,are,before,word,is,is.3.is,he,moon,the,on.4.he,be,must,li lei.5.a,bus,comes,here.6.there,you,did,go,how.7.the,button,press.8.where,i,did,put,camera,the?9.is,here,the,rabbit.翻译1.the word "he"is b 7.Walk straight on until you see the traffic lights.Walk straight ________ _______ the traffic lig He will walk straight on until he________(see)the traffic lights. 用所给词的适当形式填空 He must walk straight on until he______(see) the traffic lights.要答案也要讲清楚为什么 The bus ______(STOP) already.Let's get off.{用动词适当形式填空)There ____(not be ) any bread at home yesterday Walk straight on to the traffic lights.Walk straight on ___ you ___ ___ the traffic lights. Let's _____ (get) off the bus.理由 The passenger _____________to the driver to stop the bus and let him get off.. orderedB. indicatedC. motionedD. requested 有谁给广州丽合衣服装公司做过代理的 ,给点意见,真实的想法本人想做服装代理的,多提宝贵意见,对贵公司的看法 西边最亮的星星是什么星? 现在西边最亮的那颗星星是什么星啊? 昨晚8点天西边35°的最亮的星星是什么星?2013.7.27.4时 sharks are the —— ——(danger)animals in the sea.用适当形式填空, sharks are one of___(danger) animals in the ocean Among the competitors,there are three little girls,_____is MaryA.the youngest of whomb.the younger of whomC.the youngest of themD.the youngest one其余几个选项为什么错了呢? Sharks are the most dangerous animals in the ocean 同义句转换 Shakes are______ ________than anyOther animals in the ocean. There are three _____ of animals 同义句转换What do you prefer,apples or oranges? what sport do you prefer,cycling or rowing 的同义句 what do you prefer,______ or _______?两个空填动词,是都填doing还是都填todo?我觉得填doing,相当于动名词;但是答案上写的是to do, 成功,等待着你 阅读 成功,等待着你许多年以前,伦敦住着一个小孩,自幼贫病交加,无依无靠,饱尝了人生的艰辛.为了糊口,不得不在一家印刷厂做童工.环境虽苦,志气却不短.早就与书报结下了不 英文歌 holy 好像 叫 holy(百度mp3找不到啊 )you felt the hurt you seemed the dirt dont you want to change know thats trullyits got the desire spirit high its time to get to right you are die .断断续续的 就能提供这么些 烦劳 求一首英文歌.holy有一首英文歌,男的唱的.里边歌词有holy、holy什么的.别的记不清了. 英语翻译hail holy mehail holy queen enthroned above oh maria hail mother of mercy and of love oh maria triumph all ye cherubim sing with us ye seraphim heaven and earth resound the hymn salve,salve,salve regina hail holy queen enthroned above oh This girl is so beautiful,she can attract a lot of boys 同意句