
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:41:18
”碧螺春“名字的由来A.因产于碧螺峰而得名B.因古代以“春”字代茶而得名C.因产于碧螺峰,且古代以“春”字代茶而得名 Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules.The maxim for allroad users is users is "Thinking The question is diffcult and the answers is ___,so i have to ask my teacher for help.(confuse) 英语翻译这是一首经典的爱情诗,语言清丽活泼,读起来朗朗上口.诗人以橡树为对象表达了爱情的热烈、诚挚和坚贞.诗中的橡树不是一个具体的对象,而是诗人理想中的情人象征.因此,这首诗一 toefl ielts essays.Which task is more difficult?How to learn ESL writing?Do you have any idea? I like the yellow coat.but he likes the blue ____.A.coat B.one C.ones D.that该选哪个?讲出理由 有人是因为不爱了而分开,有人却因为相互都太爱了而分开.后者是为什么呢?不考虑现实或其他外在因素,因为是因为爱而导致分开,不是因为外因导致的分开. First,drink hot beverages and take hot showers.Steam helps open up nasal passage and reduces congestion.Second,suck some throat lozenges which will ease your throat.Third,take some asirin to relieve your fever and dizziness.Last but not least,have a 哪年哪月我国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功 his coat is blue改为同义句 His coat is blue and his trousers a________white 舅妈的英文是什么? 丹江口大坝加高对地理环境的影响 那些新同学:(英语)__________How old _______ your grandmother? 父母_____1那些新同学:(英语)__________2How old _______ your grandmother? 3父母_____(填英文1,3翻译2填空) Mike's pen is re.对画线部分提问画线部分是Mike's "谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命"是什么意思~ The season that he makes poor grades is because of his poor study habits.句子改错 天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔 谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命谁能解释下这句话?我女朋友对我说的.怎么办? He tried to join the army,but was____because of his poor healthA.turned off B.turned down C.turned out D.turned away 如果爱情无法用言语表达,你愿意用生命来证明吗? 胤祥为什么被圈禁 1.The boy has an eraser(改为一般疑问句) 2.Michael' s eyes are blue(对blue提问) 1)he eyes are (blue)对括号部分提问2)what is he like的同义句 谁知道扬州具体哪个地方发生地震了?、 发生了地震的地方还会再发生地震吗? 修建水坝会对降雨量产生怎样的影响?随着中国水坝数量的增加,拦截水量的增加,中国的降水量将会发生怎样的变化?是这样的,关键是中国有很多水坝啊,尤其是改革开放近几十年来,拦截水 (---) is your grandmother?She's about 65,Ithink. 舅妈的英文单词怎么拼写? 新概念3第九课的问题The radio would signal the rate at which the ball was slowed down and scientists would be able to calculate hoe dence the atmosphere is .这句话中,“the ball was slowed down ”是虚拟语气的用法吗?可那篇文 新概念第三册第九课中问题one of the things that fascinates us most about.中fascinates是否应改为fascinate my teacher made me stay at school because I didn'tfinish homework yesterday中的stay为什么不用过去式? My teacher was made _____ his teaching because of poor health.A.giving up B.to give up C.give up D.given up