
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:12:23
慧眼识人,认物、跟踪、身份证词浯有什么表达作用 二级建造师报考问题,本人金融专业大一学生,假期想考二建证挂靠赚点钱.1.本人在山东考二建,报名时想用假证,容易报上么?2.关键是报名时认真审查年龄么?要4年工作经验,虽然可以找人作假, 英语四级证丢了怎么办?考号也没了,还能查到么? all of和all都接可数名词的复数吗? 改错句子,找出错误的单词,请写出正确的单词lf you need help ,you can dial this number to look for him.l found my shoes broken,so l bought a new one. 含有胧的aabb式词悟,和含有悠的aabb式词语 What letter should replace the question mark? ? E B B A S A I N A R T S N D S每四个一组。说明理由 It is better for me to go to bed than watch the dull TV play(改为同义句) intend与 plan的区别是什么区别‘‘区别‘‘ 请高手大大帮忙改错词错句,..Apart from their own factors,another factor contributing to a big rise in negative advertisements about atitude to life are not objective fact,which enable people to choose the wrong direction. intend后动词什么形式?它和plan有什么吗? hundreds of 后面可以接不可数名词吗可以说hundreds of bread吗? What's —name【 】A,he B,you C,his D,she The bicycle you referred to isn,t____.It belongs to_____.A、me; youB、mine; hersC、hers; hisD、his; her选择什么 为什么 the coat belongs to me?反义疑问句 The rad watxh belongs to me(就me提问) 加动物名称的词语()踞()盘 intend 和intent的区别 在括号里填上表示动物的字 ( )死( )悲 在括号里填上意思相近的词 盘( )错( ) ( )明( )干在括号里填上意思相近的词()饥()渴在括号里填上意思相反的词()入()出 居 natural SOAP是什么意思呀 soap是什么意思 soap协议主要用在什么情况下? 什么是SOAP? 根据提示补全句子: Can you ___(call) jim? SOAP是什么SOAP 是一种使应用程序有能力通过 HTTP 交换信息的基于 XML 的简易协议.或者可以更简单地说:SOAP 是一种用于访问 web service 的协议. favorite之后加单数名词还是复数名词rt. "放射性物质"怎么翻译?是radioactive substance呢,还是radioactive material(有没有s)?还是···? 1.Are you a musician?(否定回答) 2.you can talk____jim____more information.2.you can talk____jim____more information. A.to,for B.for,to C.with,of D.of,with 请帮我以when I was 6 year old为头,续写一篇50词的文章,要求用最简洁的语言,最好以初中的水平来写~ 请问选 A还是B?这里的could可以算是过去式吗?Could you tell me ____?He is wanted by the head teacher.Sorry,I've no idea.But he ___ here just now.A:where Tim was,was B:where Tim is,was I was scared when I thought about the upcoming year. Now I settle myself down here.