
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:45:50
到底有几种英语? 翻译for your information only,believe it or not here are some 英语真那么重要吗? 英语真有那么重要吗? 英语真这么重要吗 What is your favonte fruit?为什么FRUIT不加S呢.I like bananas best. what is te best way for us to be far away from the stress and pressure of our dail live?这是一篇英语短文的开头,哪位哥哥姐姐帮忙找出下文.\(^o^)/~ 英文求正解Another day has gone ,I'm still all alone ,How could this be ,You're not here with me . 2x/(5x+1)定意域为实数求值域 just thinking of u啥意思 高一数学如何提升我今年上高一 但数学成绩退步很多 我该怎么做 英语猜谜 What kind of dogs have no tails? 它的谜是什么 Geese have long____?A feet B neck C tails D ears 英语翻译 英语翻译in this way,conscientious and radical criticism of the given,even in advance of having blueprints for an alternative,can be a material force.句子的主句是哪句求翻译 英语解译下用相同,相近的词就行了campaign 运动,宣传活动 convince 使确信,说服expanding (业务)扩展的,不断扩大的franchise 特许经营权launch 开始进行,推出,发射sleek 线条流畅的,造型优美的surpass 英语翻译treat this product with care.Harmful if swallowed.if swallowed,take this leaflet with you and seek immediate medical advice.Exposure to skin or eyes is harmful,flush with plenty of water when contaminated.In a fire or if hearted,a pressur 翻译句子,1.把时间定在明天下午吧please___ ___tomorrow afternoon!2.他妈妈总是在早上6点把他叫醒his mother always___ ___ ___at 6 in the morning 3.他靠到一旁让车子过去she stepped aside and let the car____ ___. Jim goes to school by bus.对by bus提问没有 Where are these countries yamous for? Hao many people are piaying ping-pong 第4题用所给动词的现在进行时填空 The performance of the host,_____ to please the audience and draw their attention,was greeted with a cold silence,however.选项:a、had intended b、 intended c、 being intended d、 to intend 选哪个?请分析并翻译整句 The host introduced _ (wide)to the audience. 一个英语语法问题,These young peopleThese young people,who love the peace of the mountains,always receive a warm welcome at St.Bernard' monastery.这“who love the peace of the mountains”在整句话中做什么成分?是非限制性定语 用一般现在时或现在进行时填空! 我的孩子今年高一数学和物理老是上不去,我都急死了.该怎么办? 高一数学必修二直线与圆不会怎么办 Voice可数吗,如果可数那怎么区别?in a gentle voice和in gentle voices都正确吗? 我初一初二基本没学,初三学来得及么我初一上学期的时候,也就是外语能弱一点.一直如此.初一下学期的因为沉迷小说一点没学吧.初二依旧如此.现在初三了我打算.好好学.上课认真听讲.回家 我现在初三了.初一初二的课、基本没听过.所以什么都不会 而又要考一个高中我不求前几名 及格就行了 呃 没书怎么办?