
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:12:04
What did you write in this mail. I don't know Chinese.的意思要精确 翻译:What do you know abut tea in China? 提问What did they do yesterday?改为同义句What ( )( )yesterday? _________(he)mother is a doctor in this hospital.讲清楚 如果直线的倾斜角为45度,则有关系式() 上面的两个角是两个45度,底为20cm 作文《牵你的手》怎么写?请列个提纲 再给我范文 不要抄袭的范文. 二十年后回故乡的作文,不要范文,不要抄袭别人的!家乡西宁 求小五作文”二十年后回故乡”提纲 昌的组词2字 what do they think of Anna?They love her. 昌…怎么组词 昌怎么组词 昌该怎么组词 -What do you think of Anna?-She is verykind.She often___a lot of help_____meA.offers;to B.offers;with C.offers;/ what time is school over in the afternoon?同意转换,给讲解 do,of,they,anna,what,thik的连词成句 二十年后回故乡作文怎么写 昌能组什么词 找出句子中的错误并改正Do you think what do they have?xiexie 为什么地球倾斜45度角 怎样画一个四十五度角的三角形.工具只有一把卷尺,知道三角形的垂直线是17厘米.要划一个45度角的三角形.有谁知道啊?有没有什么公式啊? 【急!打完加分,我去做任务,给你分】I went to bed after I finish my homework 同义句I went to bed after I finish my homework(改为同义句)I( )( ) to bed ( )I finished my homework Zhou Lan will go to bed after she finishes her homework.(同义句)Zhou Lan______ ______to bed ______she finishes her homework. John will go to bed after he finish his homwork改同义句 现在上五年级了,遇到了一点点难题,第三单元习作提纲该怎么写?(介绍一件物品) 现在澳大利亚怎么样生活费问题一个月生活费最少要多少 一般工作会赚多少 不是半工读 有那边的国籍的话有什么好处吗 i watched tv after i finished my homework改为同义句 I watched TV after I finished my homework last night(改为同义句)最好是I ( )watch TV ( )I 的finished my home work 的形式 有两部手机,一部是全球通,月租费50元,打电话每分钟0.4元.另一是神州行,无月租费,打电话每分钟0.6元(1)通话多长时间两部手机交费一样多?(2)如果一个月打电话450分钟,用哪种套餐便宜? he watched tv after he finshed his homework保持:he _______ watch tv ______ he finished his homework 我想你的生活肯定不像我的这么无聊.用英语怎么说?