
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:19:19
英语谚语的形成及渊源 He was good at swimming so he _____ swim to the river bank when the boat sankwas able to B:could C:succeeded to D:might 3.Take care when you are swimming a____ the river. We had a good time ____ in the river.A.swim B.swimming C.swims D.to swim 英语翻译I know it is not my call,but just an idea I am throwing out there for us to discuss.请准确翻译这个call的意思, this man____(call)wabfwei is my close friend 在法国买的LV是made in spain 商场买的香水英文是写的made in france吗? MADE IN 是不是法国制造的 this is my mother (call) sam 填空用适当形式 80年代的LV made in france 是这样写的吗现在的LV包包,法国制都是:made in France ,80年代的是:made in france ,请名家指导一下, 资生堂红色蜜露写的法国制造made in france写成made in farnce法国这个单拼错了那这水是假的吗 英语谚语~~~~附上英语解释~~~~~帮帮忙~~~谢谢~~~英语谚语~~~~附上英语解释~~~~~最好还有中文翻译~~~帮帮忙~~~谢谢~~~ I often went to school____ _____?填什么?与 I used to take the bus to school 是同义句 I think Peter is a student.语法错误么? sprout wings是什么意思,用法举例?sprout wings,是一个英语固定的含义.有“死去并化作天使、善良得像天使一样 ”的含义,但我希望高手能提供更深一步的含义,来由?用法举例?这是不是说明sprout win It's None Of Your Business,This Is A Private Conversation! Is this your dinner是什么意思 “Is this your pudding?”这句英文的意思是什么?英语册子上的题太难了! 给出国人员订房间,英语信件怎么写预订房间:一个带浴室的单人房间,三个带浴室的双人房间.将于12月26日下午租用会议室一间,进行业务洽谈.请尽早回复,告之是否有空房、房价及是否需要预 如何将任务型教学法应用到英语听力教学中 英语作业海报怎么做 听英语听力有哪些好的方法四级的 听听力背单词这个方法好吗 大学英语四级听力怎么提高呀,都听不懂,请方法,求教. 2人英语情景对话(至少十句,少于15句) B的一个同学想让他在期末考中帮他作弊,A和B讨论关于B的问题,给B一些建议 It’s business ,it is personal.这句子语法对吗 it's nothing personal.it is business. It’s business ,it is not personal.这句话对吗 I like making moial ships 的同义句 The desk is made of____A:a glass B:glass C:glasses D:the glasses选哪个?为什么要这么选? call和name的区别一道选择题:Hamburger was first( ? ) Hamburg steak.A. name B. call C. names D. called