
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:57:45
show;can;to;boat;how;make;you;a;peper;me(?) 连词成句在十分钟之内完成, 求李宇春唱过的所有英文歌--求春春唱过的所有英文歌-- 用动词过去式写出下列词组1.洗衣服2.看电视3.去游泳4看书6.打扫房间 求40个动词词组及其过去式如题.拜谢.如果一口气写不出那么多的话,请多少写一点也好~我会给悬赏分的..已经倾家荡产了.. How to make cheese cake?(英文)…… How to make a bithday cake (英语How to make a bithday cake (英语作文) How to make a birthday cake 英语作文 how to make moon cake 每天看美国动画片对听力有帮助么?我每天都看 辛普森一家.- -一睁眼就看我看的是字幕上没有英文,只有中文,请问对我的听力有帮助么 推荐一些提高英语听力的电影或者动画我是典型的中国孩子啊..学英语这么多年只会做完形填空~这两年迷上了日本的动画,看了两年后突然感觉,如果我看的都是英语片那该多好~有什么好的英 求英语动画片提高英语听力我英语听力比较差,差不多只停留在高中水平的听力(我现在研一,大学没怎么练习听力).有没有像海贼王、火影之类的比较好看的动漫,但是是英文发音的,这样看 美国动画,简单的英语,适合做听力 ______are they talking with about the matter?A whom B who 选哪个?改成陈述句应该是 they are talking with sb about the matter .所以充当宾语应该用whom啊,可是答案是who ,为什么? 英语20句过去式短语如:make sb sth 变为 maked sb sth 以下英语词组的过去式do martial artsread a magazineread newspapershikeget a haircut谢谢 哪些美国电影适合练习英语听力! 介绍些美国电影,适合练听力和口语的电影如上 哪些美国片最适合用来练听力和口语? We _______ our homework on Sundays.【请加以说明,说出为什么我会追加悬赏分的】A.aren’t doing B.don't do C.can't do 将短语翻译成英语1走开2举行派对3不得不4邀请所有朋友4去观光旅游5来喝茶6出去散步答案要是小学的,我很急,请快! 出版行业常用英语词汇啊 短语啊 句型什么的都可以 只要是出版行业用得上的,多多益善 THANKS! please look the blackboard填一介词 用适当的介词填空1.Please answer my question----English2.Most of the people present -----the meeting were against the plan3.The United States did not enter the war------April16,19174.It is not cold here----winter5.Don't worry.Maybe someone too have a look at the bikes.they are ___sale 用介词填空,是不是in呢?解释please? 介词填空 3.Read the English letter _______ me ,please. 2.Let's open our books ______ page 89.帮个忙 please look( )the survey ( )youplease look( )the survey ( )your group Aat,in Bat,for Cfor,at Dfor,in 用适当的介词填空(初一)Classes begin(开始)____ 8 o'clock Do you get up early____weekends?My little sister often gets up___seven o'clockThanks____ your letter.What do you do____ the morning?He goes to the park(公园)____Monday morn 英语初一·用适当的介词填空1`My birthday is ____ Dec.1st. 2`I usually read English____the morning. 3`They often go to a movie ____Sundays. 4` Tommy does his homework______seven o'clock. 5`Sally likes bread and milk_____b 初一介词填空My name is Li Gang.I live in guangzhou(1) ________ my parents.I am(2) ________Grade Seven(3) ________ No.5 Middle School.(5) ________ the middle is my best friend,Zhao Zhen.He is(6) ________glasses.He is keen ________ football and h 读音是元音开头的英语单词an+单词的 英语单词元音 请大家帮我写一个化学反应式.要求:这个反应式既不是化合反应,也不是氧化反应.2 英语:根据汉语意思完成句子,词数不限.我并不反对这个演员,但是他演的这个人物太坏了.i have( )the actor,but