
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:42:58
《红楼梦》中塑造林黛玉这个叛逆者的形象,她的性格特点如何?叛逆精神又提现在哪个方面? 问题:现实中的真理有什么特点? 会长是女仆大人里的M、S是什麽意思?如题 论张爱玲小说中的女性形象及悲剧因素!3000字论文,十万火急,重重有赏! Our game is already over ,I can not forget ,you are given happy that I bring about by all bars beginning again.谁给我翻译下. 英语翻译胸怀大志 得意忘形 自吹自擂 洗耳恭听 装腔作势不需要用法 只要翻译 希望尽量是有书本为依据,如果是网上的,请注明出处 There is no wonder that he was so happy.这句话哪里错了 满腹经纶相近的成语有哪些 聪明过人是不是成语? 含有头顶青天,脚踩大地,胸怀大志意思的成语 单句改错:1 I was offered with a better job.翻译句子,指出错在哪?为什么错? 孟子讲人性本善,是从“人皆有不忍人之心”说起的.“人皆有不忍人之心”这句话,怎么解? position offered是什么意思? x表示一个5位数,若x7/7x约分后得1/4x等于多少? there was not a small house in the village...he had not broughtfood and comfortA which B where C to which D in which There was not a small housein the village___he had not bought food ang comfort.There was not a small housein the village___he had not bought food ang comfort.A.which B.where C.to which D.in whichThere was not a small housein the village___he had not 那么,口语一般问什么呢?英语回答难吗? horny breh 在英语口语里啥意思啊~英语聊天室里的~还有lol 到底是汗的意思 还是大笑? grant select,insert,update,delete on bookmarks.* to bm_user@localhost identified by 'password' 求Whether he comes or not,fine by me.翻译, Interest in the Special Olympics has spread across the world.其中 Interest in怎么解释 是什么用法 求五句孟子的名言及翻译,不要太长, 机电一体化的发展经历了哪几个阶段,各个阶段有何特点? 古代科学技术成就与近代科研成果的区别 凡卡在鞋店里受尽老板的毒打.凡卡在鞋店里忍受学徒们的欺凌.凡卡祈求爷爷带他离开这里用关联词连成一长句 园地七的作文怎么写 Has_called the police?yes,Liam has.A anyone B everyone Cone D none .为什么选A,不选B呢?顺便在辨析一下anyone,everyone,anywhere,everywhere的区别 四年级语文下学期园地八作文可以说:可以写一写自己的梦想 可以编个寓言或童话 可以写一写自己的梦想或希望 可以把自己关注的人和事写进习作. 中国古代有许多先进的科技成就,为什么近代反而落后了? 请问这里whether 引导的什么从句35.We haven’t settled the question of __C____ it is necessary for him to study abroad.(06江苏)A.if B.where C.whether D.that 四年级园地五作文(第一个) 请问下面的whether引导什么从句?and then individuals can make up their minds after talking to their physicians as to whether they want to have such a screening test.as to(介词短语) 至于能说得详细点吗,我看有点不像宾语从