
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:12:34
【求助】用英语写一段paragraph帮我用英语写一段paragraph topic是"my hobby" 不用写太多大概10句话就好 需要明确要有一个topic sentence,3个support sentence和3个detail/example sentence去证明3个support 最后结尾 "how to get znformation . in zhe modern world "写作:you are required to write a composition entitled"how to get znformation . in zhe modern world "remember to explain major means to get information in your passage.you should write at least 100 w 看图求答 看图,很急的,谁帮我答上 看图答提 初相怎么求? 帮我写一篇英文paragraphUsing whatever resources are at your disposal, research a person who you feel has made an important contribution to the world, either past or present. Be sure to find a substantial amount of information to draw you concl 人间兵器的英文是甚么?除了“Paragraph 78 Paraphrase this paragraph in simple English.“… And while Del Bosque's team certainly looked comfortable as they worked the ball around midfield,Germany showed excellent shape and discipline,and were rarely dragged out of position….” [(x+y)^2(x-y)^3]^3=(), 看图,判断句子对错,并改正. 帮忙找出错误的句子纠正.It was his first day in the mountains that winter.The mist was thickening as darkness fell.Being only a five-minute walk to the village,there was no reason to feel afraid.He picked up his shopping basket and left the 蒸融的近义词和反义词 2222+3333=? 某人去时上坡速度为每小时3千米,回来是下坡速度每小时6千米,求她的平均速度 小明上坡速度是每小时4千米,下坡速度是每小时6千米,求上下坡的平均速度. Geoffrey怎么读?拼音、、说好 了 景山龙英特无机活性保温隔热材料I型密度是多少 1X2分之1+2x3分之1+.+2011X2012分之1 人教版高一必修一历史MP3我想睡前听听,方便记忆,自己的录音也行只是穿线索 从匀速上升的直升机上落下一个物体,下列说法正确的是B.从飞机上看,物体做自由落体运动这个为什么对啊?(设飞机速度V0,时间为T,)他和飞机的相对位移不是2V0T-(g/2)*T吗?这怎么是自由落体运动 一武装直升飞机正匀速上升.一武装直升飞机正匀速上升,某时刻在直升飞机下方20M处有以反直升飞机地雷以40M/S的初速度弹射竖直上抛,不计空气阻力.是分析地雷能击中直升飞机的条件,是否存 2221÷2221又2221/2222=?(简便运算,怎样简便) 直升飞机匀速上升,受的是平衡力吗?那为什麼直升机受平衡力还会向上运动?, 2222×2222222222等于多少 麻烦大家介绍一下古英语中的thou,thee,thy,tha,thine?尤其是thou与thee,是主格和宾格的区别么?刚在读泰戈尔,水平不够, thou之后的动词是否都是-est的形式?我看到这样的句子包括:And the man said,The woman whom thou 【gavest】 to be with me,she gave me of the tree,and I did eat.And he said,Who told thee that thou 【wast】 naked?【Hast】 thou 古英语里 thou thee thy 都是什么意思?有什么区别吗? 生存还是毁灭 这是一个值得考虑的问题 请帮忙写出表面含义和深层含义, 生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题 是谁说的, 1、把刚刚沸腾过的水用瓶塞封住瓶口,倒转后往瓶底浇凉水时,会有什么现象发生,为什么?2、一个空瓶的质量是10g,装满水后总质量为20g,装满油的质量为18g,求油的密度?(只要答案) 3、一只瓶 the follow paragraph什么意思阅读理解题目出现