
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:42:05
德语单词的性有什么规律吗 Is only left over me! Is only left over me.At least you have me.帮帮 Is only left over me i could not remember where i was going” It only left over me At least you have me ”四书五经”中的”四书”是指哪几本书? 怎样区分德语词是不是外来词呢?有什么标重音的技巧么~ This is my friend Peter.He has brown curly hair .He wears a funny hat.(将三句合为一句)This is my friend Peter( ) brown curly hair ( )a funny hat.注明原因 His brother has more curly hair than he does同义句His brother's hair ( )more curly than( ) over和beyond的区别在“无与伦比”中,beyond是固定用法还是与over有意义上的区别? 单词 beyond,over ,都有超出范围的意思的 他们的词性?用法?区别? This girl has long curly hair.改为同义句 She is a girl ( )( )( )hair beyond over above 的区别.说全点最好祥尽点. 求下面问题解释及over和beyond的区别.-Mom,i have finished all my home work.Could i go downstairs to play with other children?-Certainly,but don't remain out____ nine o'clock.A.through b.over c.before d.beyond (选d) out of .more than.over.beyond的区别 我有一枝钢笔翻译为英语怎么说 给她一支新钢笔用英语怎么说 急用! Don't be____(worry) about your English study.We'll help you.答案是worried,请问为什么不能用worry Children aren't allowed____toy boats here A.playing with B.playing C.to play witn D.play withD.to play 打错了 英语翻译Disease ,poverty,hate,love-Charles Dickens' stories opened his readers eyes to the most important themes of his age.Two hundred years on,his stories still speak volumes across the world ,proving that Dickens' legacy was far greater than j 韩非子·外储说左上中的晋文公攻原里的是亡吾信也的亡是什么意思? 晋文公守信得原卫中的“姑”是什么意思原文:晋文公攻原,裹十日粮,遂与大夫期十日.至原十日,而原不下;击金而退,罢兵而去.士有从原中出者,曰:“原三日下矣.” 群臣左右谏曰:“夫原 《韩非子 难一》中“晋文公之赏”的译文 Turn down the radio,and the baby can sleep well.Turn down the radio,() the bady () sleep well.( ) ( ) turn down the radio,the bady ( )sleep well.( ) ( ) turn down the radio,the baby can`t sleep well. Please turn down the radio,____?A.don't weB.shall weC.will youD.won't you it hurts him ()为什么填the most.most后面不接形容词吗 孔子的教育思想对对当代教育还有哪些可借鉴的意义 tourist 是可数名词还是不可数名词? 名词tourist的单位词是什么 a .of tourist是单位词 比如说a bar of chocolate ,那tourists呢? 晋文公守信得原卫中的“裹”是什么意思原文:晋文公攻原,裹十日粮,遂与大夫期十日.至原十日,而原不下;击金而退,罢兵而去.士有从原中出者,曰:“原三日下矣.” 群臣左右谏曰:“夫原 晋文公守信得原卫 晋文公守信得原、卫我要这个的译文~