
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:47:18
对联纸如何折出九个字格 过春节时,刘源准备用一条长方形的红纸写春联,已知这条对联的长为(2b-a)米,宽比长少b米,则这条对联的周长是() It's cold outside .You must put on w--- clothhes Woofounph 怎么读?同学取的英文名, 珍爱生命,面对挫折的名人名言 白纸上写红字,红灯下为什么看不清楚? 珍爱生命之水 活动调查表 需要6天,珍爱生命之水 活动调查表所属地区:本月无降雨 降雨日期\x05降雨量(毫米)\x05降雨开始时间\x05持续时间/小时\x05雨水PH值\x05雨强\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x05\x 在冲印照片的暗房里都点着红色的电灯,在红灯下观看白纸和白纸上的红字,你将看到什么? 要一篇珍爱生命、直视挫折的作文、其他标题也行、但是要关于面对挫折的作文、急!不要复制别人的. 下列英语句子中哪里错了,并改正It will is all right.A.It B.is C.right 改正:There are a pen and many books here.A.are B.many C.here 改正: 改正以下英语句子的错误1.The final assignment involves choosing a research topic,to read five sources,and to complete a ten-page research paper with footnotes and bibiography.2.Working in a global corporation may be more difficult than to s (英语)找出下列句子中的错误并改正. 英语:改正下面句子中的错误The population of India is more than that of Australia.This book gives a more perfect picture about French Revolution.who is the greatest alive poet? 2:He keeps on with physical training in winter ___________cold it is1.whatever 2.no matter how 3.whether or not 4.although _________ he is ill,he would very much like to go with us.A) Because B) Although C) Since D) When为什么答案是A不是B? the importance of an individual country as an exporter of agricultural products depends on many variables.求翻译和语法结构解释 在你眼里,珍爱生命意味着什么? 珍爱生命 从不放弃生命希望 的故事 珍爱生命、从不放弃生命希望的故事 勇于面对挫折的例子 英语翻译因为正是由于这种物理距离的遥远,使得人们无法真正了解这些需要帮助的人的需要,也就不能高效地帮助他们. 英语翻译通过秉持Singer观点,我们可以重新树立自己关于应尽责任义务的范围. 4这句话用英语改如何写啊?(机器翻译勿进!)他们认为对于帮助自己周遭需要帮助的人是自己应尽的义务和责任,同时正因为自己熟知这些需要帮助的人,所以可以更有针对性更有效率的帮助 ______did you _______the film?A、how.think B what.think of C what.like D what.think选哪个 英语翻译是韩诗外传卷9的 英语翻译公帅定武时,尝夜作书,令一兵持烛于旁.兵他顾,烛燃公须,公遽以袖拂之,而作书如故.少顷,间视,则已易其人矣.公恐吏笞之,亟呼视之曰:“勿较.渠已解持烛矣.”军中咸服其度量. i am fish who are you 英语翻译 英语翻译句子:Turkeys in the barnyard were thought to be speaking pleasantly to one another.In recent years,the saying has come to mean an attempt to teach something important. 英语翻译1.The sum of two numbers is 23.If the greater number is cut in half and the lesser number is tripled,the sum of the two numbers is 34.What is the product of the two numbers?2.Hayden eats triple the number of waffles as Krista.Krista has t 英语翻译It is possible to exalt collectivity into something selfcontainedly mystical. 英语翻译In places like Hilton Head,ethnic identity and resentment of the takeover of the Island by land developers have encouraged the African-American islanders to hold on to their linguistic heritage.