
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:00:51
sub-specialized什么意思 resources are not specialized 意思是资源可以共享是么?那specialized specialized 是什么牌子的自行车 比猪还蠢的动物 What are want is milk? 比猪还蠢的动物是?请答"希人",分数就是阁下的了 the two printers on sale were in poor condition,so I didn't buy ------Aeither of them Bboth of them 为什么 说理由哟 翻译这个句子哟 作曲家和音乐家的区别?音乐家包括作曲家 还是两者没关系 The rather poor condition of the high highway-------result in accidents,even if noting has happened as yet.A.may B.wouldC.might D.can为什么不是B了? musician n. [C] 音乐家;作曲家.这里[C]什么意思 今天我妹妹做了一件很蠢的事!今天我妹妹做了一件很蠢的事,把皮夹子掉了,还好被人捡到,但她做了一件更蠢的事,和捡到皮夹子的人起了口角!请大家帮我妹妹从道德上教育上谈一下你们的看 根据英文解释填词The________ (a ceremony during which gifts and prizes are given)of prizes will begin in the town hall at nine.what a __(unusual or uncommon) day! Presentation is a formal event during which gifts and prizes are given是什么 character, 使用手电筒的额注意事项? 英语翻译rt they are of equal height but i think mary is equal to the 忙碌充实的一天又过去了,该睡了.全世界晚安!译成英文 睡觉了,地球晚安. 已知20℃时食盐的溶解度为36g,某同学现将27g食盐放入80g水中充分溶解,所得溶液为不饱和溶液.若使此溶液变若使此溶液变为饱和溶液可加入——g食盐或蒸发掉——g水.(保持温度不变) 喷涂的前处理有几种? 什么是直接损失 翻译:为我做晚饭.渡过一个忙碌的周末. 英语翻译It is at week red加、减1~2字母变其他单词今晚交!快………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… youareme什么意思我是你的英语如何说you are me 你就是我 我是你的 I am yours 欲望采取知足啊 将单词去一两个字母或添一两个字母能变出多少单词来?1、hand-- 2、there-- 3、red-- 4、in--希望能多一点 为啥子牛看到红的布就要钻呢? 平行四边形地面积怎厶求? talk to anyone in the trucking industry,( ) you ll know there are not enough you people interestedin this industry . A. so B. and c.for D.or 除了答案 还需要解析 天下面一个厶 and is he your