
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:44:47
He is (tall and thin).对括号部分提问___________ ____________ he ___________ ____________? 关于二战的书籍最近想比较全面的了解一下二战的历史,所以想找一本客观描述二战从最开始到结束的书籍,如果能有客观的分析最好!最好能根据时间的发展阶段描述! 谢谢! 谁能帮我介绍一下描写有关二战时期或者这两部书?说说它们的简介就可以,如果有英文版的最好了. Excuse me,could you tell me the way to People's Square?A I don't understand you.B Sorry,I'm a stranger here.C Why don't you take a taxi?D Don't bother me. 如图,已知梯形ABCD的底边AO在X轴上,BC//AO,AB垂直AO,过点C的双曲线y=--交OB于D,且OD:DB=1:2若三角形OBCk如图,已知梯形ABCD的底边AO在X轴上,BC//AO,AB垂直AO,过点C的双曲线y=—交OBx于D,且OD:DB=1:2若三角形OBC 离骚中 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索.的意思 "路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索"是什么意思 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索.的含义是什么? 路漫漫其修远矣,吾将上下而求索是什么意思 what is your words mean =_ _ _of your words your ass?What does it mean? the last unicorn declan galbraith因为我觉得机器翻译的不是很好,也不太准确.when the last eagleflies over the last crumbling mountainand the last lionroars at the last dusty fountainin the shadow of the forestthough she may be old and The Last Unicorn 歌词 answer the question in your own words:what does tme difference mean to us last one到底表示上一个还是最后一个?例如:the last day是上一天呢还是最后那天的意思? 喝了硅溶胶,有什么危险 1.钠与一氧化氮的反应条件. 2.镁与氯化铁反应生成铁单质还是二价铁 3.镁与硫的反应条件 Peter is drinking (a bottle of orange).就括号部分提问 what does these public signs mean有什么错 what do these words mean 填空 you?to 或with 选哪一个 请问 The boy is taking a bottle of orange 划线a bottle of orange 【对划线部分提问】请问 The boy is taking a bottle of orange 划线a bottle of orange 【对划线部分提问】 I have a comic book.She has a comic book,too.改为同义句 You must be careful when crossing the street.改为祈使句 you must be careful改为祈使句 you are the last man I want to see,这句话的意思是,你是我最不想见的人,可是"你是我你是我最后一个想见的人",的英语到底应许怎么翻译呢? 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其尤未悔什么意思 亦余心之所善兮 虽九死其尤未悔是什么意思 翻译:** is the order of the day 英语翻译这个银行的中文名叫什么啊?有谁知道jp 到底是韩国还是朝鲜? 英语翻译Discuss the order of the following terms as they relate to goods and services:consumption,production,and purchase. Be careful when you cross the road和finish your homework carefully 中的careful的副词和形容词怎么用就是在句子中怎么确定是用副词还是形容词 children should ______ when cross the road a.carefully B.be careful 为啥?hurry up 明天用