
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:43:58
今宵剩把银红照,犹恐相逢是梦中这是谁的词啊? I still dont know what have /has happened to her at the party,这里的have 跟has 要用哪个,为什么.还是说要用had? i don't know whether the cars ___ to the far-reaching countries have arrived safely选项A transported ,B being transported可以说正在被运的车么? james was a repairman before and he ( )a store owner for five years since he set up his own fruit shop.A is B was C has been D had been business culture in german急需德国人的商务文化! 英语翻译 汴州是现在的哪个城市呀? 1、this disease has spread so quickly that we all have got to the point ___ we are very worriedabout our own safety.A、that B、where C、which D、when in the name of father...这句话出自圣经的哪一部分? "山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休!暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州."是咩诗,谁写,讲咩内容 “山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休?暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州做汴州.”这首诗中杭州与汴州分别是今天的 春雨,古今中外多少人赞美你." ,春雨,古今中外多少人赞美你." ,."这是大诗人杜甫描述你来到人间 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休?暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州.这首诗的意思 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休.暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州当汴州.这首是讽刺的是哪个朝代的统治者. 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时修.暖风熏得游人醉,只把杭州作汴州.这首诗题目是啥?这首诗题目是啥?作者是谁?还有诗意哦! 春雨,古今中外有多少人赞美你!……春雨,我希望你永驻人间! 英语翻译请给点指教, 词语:( )格在11月24日之前. complete the sentences about Betty's father day,It's seven o'clock.Betty's father is getting up.(例句)1.It's eight o'clock.He's ______ for a bus.2.It's nine o'clock.He's ______ work.3.It's eleven o'clock.Betty's father is ______on the phone.4.It' Betty's father and borther works in a factory.这句怎么变成疑问句和否定句 Look at that( )(he)is Betty's father.括号中填什么These are Chinese book .They( )(we) books.This is Li Yan's mother.Tha's ( )(she) teather.Can you spell ( )(you)name?急用! when he slept 或who slept this morning?或 when did he sleep?或 when was he sleeping这几句话对吗哪句不对指出来 并说说有啥区别 尽量说明原因 sleep可定可表,asleep只表不定,sleeping只定不表,这句话对吗?如果不对,应该怎么改? I did sleep 这句话有语法错误么?他等于l slept 名词的格'sThe girl's name= the name of the girlMy father's friend = the friend of my father's为什么the name of the girl后面不用加's,而the friend of my father's后面要加? 我现在想学新概念第2,3册,一年时间能学完吗 一年半能把新概念2,3,(或者尽可能)帮忙制定一个计划我有一定的英语基础,词汇量可能有些薄弱,感觉没达到大纲要求.不过我记忆力不错.现在上高二,作业能保证在学校做完,所以想把英语加 零基础开始自学,学完新概念1、2、3册,每天2-3小时,两年时间够不够?现在基本只会26个字母,会几个音标,语法什么的一概不懂.需不需要一个电子词典?准备两个月把新概念一搞完...我还要学其他 关于名词所属格my leg如果用...of...的形式怎么换?双重所属格怎么用啊?为什么用“a friend of my”而不用"a friend of I"呢?还有,双重所属格里面的“a”可以换做“the”吗? 关于生活中热爱读书的小故事,英文!字数大概70吧 哪位好心帮忙介绍几本英语阅读书.要英文写得很好的,每页大约500字. name is Nick and name is Linda 应填什么