
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:39:06
I am not sure --he will come back .正确的问题是I am not sure -- he will come here .---he comes here ,please let me know.Athat,When Bthat,IfCif,WhetherDwhether,When I am not sure( )he will come or not空格中填whether 还是if? 定语从句中the one的用法 英语翻译 I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place.The time was 5:15 in the  afternoon and I was driving along the road to ____1____my daughter from school.Our plan was to go____2____together.I had finished work at about 4 o'c I AM NO LONGER THE MAN WHAT I WAS 这句话有没有语法错误最好把语法解释得清楚点 谢拉!为什么用what?what不是用来修饰物品的么? the man who i want to be forever with 这句语法对的不 I am the man who was left behind语法有问题吗 根据要求 完成句子Her name is Mary Brown.改为否定句 分析重点句.按要求完成句子.分析重点句.1.I tink Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.2.You don't know where your ID card is.按要求完成句子.1.What's wrong with it?(改为同义句)2.We could help her do the ho 德语时间说明语做第几格,比如heute Mittag,letzte Woche,jeden Woche,am Montag,什么的,什么时候第三个什么时候第四格,求总结一些,细致些最好 求德语第三格/情态动词的教学片或讲解拜托各位 德语什么时候用第四格说明语时间说明语都要用四格吗?比如说 Wie oft nehmen Sie Medikamente回答是Jeden Tag drei Tabletten 就不能用一格直接说Jeder Tag drei Tabletten吗? 怎么理解德语中的格 英语翻译Be the last man standing! super junior的superman中有一句歌词是the last man standing有什么含义吗 I am the last man standing中standing什么意思 英语翻译呵呵! 她的脸是圆形的,带着眼镜用英语怎么说 圆而白里透红的脸用英语怎么说 He would be the last man who says sunch things.是虚拟语气吗输错了He would be the last man who says such things. 流自己的汗,吃自己的饭,自己的事情学会自己干…走自己的路,争自己的脸,自己的梦还得自己圆英语怎么说 英语题-根据要求完成句子I know where it is.改为否定句you can take the No.8 bus to go there.改为同义句Is there a cinema near here?做否定回答请讲讲语法 按要求完成句子.1.Sue (often) visits her grandmother.(对括号部分提问)__________ _______ _______Sue ________her grandmother?2.The girl went to bed after her mother came back.(改为同义句)The girl _______ _______to bed _______her m 德语中有多少种格总听说什么第几格第几格的,怎么用啊 德语格的问题怎么用 比如第一格第四格 否定词啊 不定冠词啊 都要变化的.是怎么变化的啊?有什么规律吗? Hear is tired many Man,i have been tired to talk to you for times.I always feel that it's hard to satisfied you with m The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,___ by the police each time.A.had been captured B.being always captured?C.o The three man tried many times to sneak across the borde...The three man tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country,( )by the police each time.A.had been captured B.being always captured C.only to be capturedD.unfort I am tired from time to 按要求完成句子1.What's wrong with you?(改为同义句)What's _____ ________ with you?2.Maybe you should see a dentist.(改为同义句)________ you should see a dentist.3.My life is not the same as yours.(改为同义句)My life _____