
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:37:19
氯和溴谁的化学性质较活泼 铜精矿是什么 1吨30%品味的铜精矿能炼出多少铜 怎么辨别香奈儿香水的真假我买了款chanel的bleu男士香水,我问过其他人,说那家店的信誉不错,可是这款香水在专柜里卖100ML的大概要七八百,他家店里只卖580,感觉便宜了好多,我买了之后,也不知 翻译:an order of nuns 英语翻译一个化验单中的,可以翻译得正式点的吗 请帮忙翻译"may send an order for a person, not the company? 谢谢 英语翻译Coordination depends on theextent to which group members have different sub-tasks to perform,and these subtasks are arrangedin an order of precedence. The river near our school u________ to be clean,but now it becomes dirty. 皮带上写着real leather的什么意思在皮带上写有“real leather"和”100% leather"是什么意思,这条皮带是真皮还是皮革的? 铜精矿 含铜量20%-22% ,CODE 及进口的海关监管条件 铜精矿与铜粉的区别 put in a few words怎么翻译?是固定搭配吗? whose balloons are they 他们的12月18日11点以前回打 what's more worrisome is that 前面的what's more worrisome 是主语从句但是总觉得有点别扭 我在想是不是what's应该改为what 如果这个句子本身没有错 那么改为what的话对不对呢原句what's more worrisome is that t However,people's opinions vary on this issue.中people('s) 这个's是所有格?如果改成: people has various opinions on this issue. 用法上和意思上对吗? people vary in how much they tolerate different behaviour of their dogs,so (what) some people regard as a problem,others can be quite happy to live with.这里填what,为什么是宾语从句 My friend borrowed a pen from me yesterday (改为同义句) I ____ a pen ____my frend yesteaday. 英语翻译有分阿 连词成句 penguins quite are cute and they not are but friendly were/but/dirty/they/clean/are/now/they/.连词成句 _____water,tea is consumed more than any other drink on the earth /A.BesidesB.ApartC.ExceptD.Except for选什么?说明一下原因. 那天是香港回归的日子用英语怎么说要准确的 deal with, do sb. a favour, do one's best个造一句句子并deal with, do sb. a favour, do one's best个造一句句子并翻译 过氧化氢酶分离纯化的实验设计 分析句子成份.I had to make myself more than what I was.什么从句,主谓宾语是什么? what will make more noise in your house than a dog? what will make more noise in your house than a dog?.55...这是我的作业阿 deal with和cope with有啥区别 淀粉加蔗糖酶是实验组还是对照组? 为什么唾液淀粉酶分解淀粉后遇本乃狄后是砖红色沉淀而蔗糖酶分解蔗糖遇本乃狄后却是黄色沉淀呢? 不一样的爸爸 I AM SAM怎么样