
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:14:05
catch up with sb.做什么句子成分其中的with sb做什么成分 关于纪念建党90周年的文章(党带领全国人民90年艰苦奋斗的光辉历程,切身体会改革开放30年来的巨大变化)求文章!紧急! 急求关于国内关于“自适应中文分词和词性标注”的文章,有哪位知道,分全送了!一般的文章我都看过,我是想找几篇关于这方面的.国内对这方面研究的不是太多, 中文分词技术有哪些分词技术可用于哪些领域 中文分词是什么? 李宫俊的名言、鲍鲸鲸的名言、朱自清的名言、张悦然的名言、李碧华的名言、陈信宏的名言、夏茗悠的名言 您好,我想问catch up with sb其中的with sb做什么成分 原句:I have caught up with him 大家有的说是宾大家有的说是宾语,有的说是补语,我自己又觉得是状语,到底是什么啊?save me! Good better ,best 咐字组两个词语 求一份大学英语演讲ppt,要包含一个故事,有哲理.可否也给我发一份,sdulhj@163.com, Scoot has an interesting job.He works at a radio station.Scoot,what time is your radio show?From twelve o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.What time do you usually get up?At eight thirty at night.Then I eat breakfast ai nine.That's a funn Interviewer:Scott has interesting job.He works at a eadio station 咐的三个组词 John is a c ______ students,but he has a part -time job 东北方言在语法上与普通话有什么差别? he may ill run that cannot walk的意思 请仿照诗句“理想是……,”,以“理解”为本体造句请仿照诗句:理想是石,敲出星星之火;理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯;理想是灯,照亮夜行的路;理想是路,引你走到黎明.以“理解”为本体造句 go staight,go straight ahead和walk staight的区别. walk straight,straight on,walk down ,go alone之间有什么区别? would you mind one's doing sth等于would you mind sb to do sth?同上, would you mind doing and doing?还是would you mind doing or doing? 八年级下语文|《列夫托尔斯泰》课后词语忘带语文书了,人教版的. 在八下语文书里第四课的列夫 托尔斯泰里面有没有炽热这个词? 英语语法(动词不定式)什么时候不定式用主动或被动语态例如:The problem isn't easy to work out.The building to be built here next month will be a supermarket.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remain 英语语法问题———动词不定式I need someone to take cake of the baby.这里的不定式做定语还是宾补I ask him to take cake of the baby.这里的不定式是做宾补.与上一句有什么不同吗.I help him to learn English.这 Good better best.Never let it rest.And till good is better.Better is best. Good,better,best,Neverlet it rest,Tillgood is better,and better is best.的中文意思是什么 英语语法:请帮我分析下句子的成分 从句的类型 do you think she is going to be cool that you broughtthat thing?宾语从句 she is going to be cool 后又接了个 that you brought that thing 从句 COME ON GOOD BETTER BEST NEVER LET IT REST写成中文就可以了 英语语法问题!知道者快来!到底是be no use (to) do sth还是be no use dong sth那为什么我有一本书上说 It is no ues trying to keep him in bed !!可是后面的扩展上却说是 be no use (to) do sth可否给一个肯定回答!!! Good better best ,never let it Good,better,best.Never let it rest.Until yourgood is better,andyour better is best.