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仁爱八年级下册英语课文unit5 topic3翻译加课文 仁爱英语七年级unit5 topic3 3a,3b忘记带英语书了, 仁爱七年级下册英语书 Unit8 Topic3的 所有单词有急用 顺便给意思写上 音标 能写就写吧 有看得清的图更好!非诚勿扰 七年级英语完形填空 出15题上下册都可以 七年级英语完形填空,急!Miss King lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon, after she finished her housework, she (1)___ __ to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and (2)___ __ outside. She liked to see the gr 七年级英语完形填空就一题 完形填空Rick Jackson can not look after(照看)his things.Look,this is (1)room.It's in a mess(一团糟).Many(2)are on the desks.They are notebooks,CDs,(3),pens and pencils.It's 8 o'clock in the morning.Rick is in (4).It's Sunday.He doesn't 28篇英语完形填空的题, 一道七年级英语完形填空题,Do you ____1____George Jackson,the rock singer_____2_____ sunglasses?Now George Jackson has 3__new look.He always ____4____curly blonde hair,____5___ now he is bald(秃头).He is kind of ___6___ ,but now he has 有关英语完形填空在完形填空中会有这样一中空:就是括号给出一个动词让你填正确的形式,我们老师说要是这样动词后面直接有宾语的话就一定是ing或不定式.要是有介词再加宾语的话就是ed 关于英语完形填空Jenny was often late__1__ school.One moring,when she was late,MrBlack,her teacher,got angry."I'll__ 2__your father if you aren"t__3__ on time to morrow."he told her.The next day she got up very__ 4___and went to school without 关于英语的完形填空~the giant pharmaceutical company insists that its new drug is () safe as long as it used under the supervision of a doctor如果不看意思 如何空里缺的是副词呢?后面不是名词safe吗? 关于英语的完形填空, 关于做英语完形填空,阅读我现在考试,完形填空和阅读失分率是最高的,阅读基本上大多数单词没见过,根本读不懂意思,完形填空也是,谁能告诉我做完形填空和阅读的方法,最好实际点,管用!我 春天人们可以干什么 春天人们在干什么俗话说,一年之季在于春,一日之季在于晨.春天,冰雪消融,春回大地,碧水蓝天.高高挂起的太阳光芒四射,温暖人心.春天,生机勃勃、阳光明媚,草绿油油的,水是透明的,像一颗颗 春天能帮人们做什么 春天人们喜欢干什么 请问一下是喜爱春天好呢,还是喜欢春天好呢? 你的春天是什么颜色的?你喜欢春天是什么颜色?说说你的春天是什么颜色? 为什么有人喜欢春天我真不晓得那些说喜欢春天的人有没有仔细去品味过春天,冷暖不定不说,还经常下雨,而且到处都很潮湿,如果是南风天的话,那就更让人绝望了,湿的一塌糊涂,而且这种季节 我喜欢春天的什么,因为春天的什么怎么样 作为新老师和同学第一次见面应该做一个怎样的自我介绍让同学喜欢自己,并且能给他人留下深刻的印象请大家提供一个范本,但不要抄来的,我们是实习老师. 纪伯伦描写的春天给你留下了什么印象 这个完型填空怎么做 Once there was a rich man in a village.He never gave anything to help others.The__1__didn't like him.One day he said to them.“I know you don't like me.I will give everything Ihave to you__2___I die.Then everyone will be happy."But nobody believed h 英语完形填空高手进我想知道怎么做好完形填空,我每次都错6 7个,我想提高一下.可是不知道怎么提高而且那些文章我又看不懂,哪位大侠给个考好完形填空心得或者方法,还有最近就快期中考 初一下英语完型填空hings are different in different countries.If you go to Britain,it`s a good idea___ peopie there about good maners 初一下学期英语期中完形填空 一道初一下册英语完形填空一、New York,London,Paris and other big cities are interesting plaes to live in.There are—1_____ in teresting things to see and to do.You can go to 2_____ kinds of museums,see plays and movies.You can also do s 求初一上英语完形填空需要10道题左右,有急用! 英语 求16-25答案