
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:37:35
下列语句是什么表达方式?这样,我们在阳光下,向着那菜花、桑树和鱼塘走去.( )这南方初春的田野,大块小块的新绿随意地铺着,有的浓,有的淡;树上的嫩芽也密了;田里的冬水夜咕咕地起 把下面的英语句子变成间接引语.Lana thinks she's coming to my house to study.I'm not going to her house on friday night. 求改写下面几个英语间接引语的句子1.asked fanny,when and where were you born?2.The doctor asked him,how are you feeling?3.My teacher told me.don't be late next time.4.The doctor said to his son,give all your mind to study.5.My father or 以下句子,直接英语变间接引语怎么变?1、He asked Li Ying"Where you watching TV at this time yesterday?"2 He askde me,"When did you see the film?"3 The stanger asked me,"What's your name?"4 He said to himm,"Are you a student?"5 "Can you 求大家改写几个间接引语的句子1.The old worker asked him,Are you a professer.2.He asked me,will you sit for the exans on wednesday?3.Mother asked me where have you doing.4.she asked mick,what are you doing.5.peoplemay ask,how does a compu 求助】把下面的句子改写成间接引语Lana thinks she's coming to my house to study. 韶华倾负这个词语是什么意思? 为什么不用at birth?He is noble by birth. Surname是姓,那么姓名呢?说name有点简单,最好是一个词的表达? 挑山工是什么 第二题 向量 向量的题,10题详解? 南瓜加西瓜等于十.南瓜加梨等于九.梨加西瓜等于七.问南瓜西瓜梨各多少个 小明打字5分钟比小红多1/5,多300个字,小红每分钟打字多少 小明和小红打字,小明5分钟打199个,小红5分钟打235个,估计一下他们两5分钟能不能打完500个字? 韶华尽付 流年尽误 旁人知何故承子一诺 执此一生不相负是什么意思 韶华流年是什么意思? 光阴不语流年负韶华尽逝壮志酬 一辆汽车从甲地匀速开往乙地,开了3.5小时,离乙地还有260千米,又行了4小时,离乙地仍有100千米,甲乙两地相距多少千米? “韶华易逝, 甲乙两地相距260千米,一辆汽车从甲地出发开往乙地,4小时后,剩下的路程是已行路程的30%问汽车每小时行驶多少千米? 一辆汽车从甲地到乙地,行了2.5小时,离乙地还有260千米,又行了4小时离乙地仍有100千米.甲乙两地相距多请在30分种内回答,明天交 9 10 11题,向量 向量问题第九题 大一形式与政策 论述题 是论述题所以请不要回答一两句话 ,请认真回答 100分悬赏1.试分析钓鱼岛事件的背后是谁在“垂钓”?2.为什么说2012年的美国经济内外环境将面临更为严峻的挑战? 如何理解工作中的成功、失败、困难、问题、挑战? 以 只有勇于挑战才能拥有成功的希望 为主题的作文以 只有勇于挑战才能拥有成功的希望 为主题的记叙文,500左右字, 将下列 句子改为直接或间接引语He asked:"Hou are you getting alone with you classmates?Sally asked"Ben can you come here tomorrow?"He said to the boy:"Don't cut down the young trees again."My father told me to be careful when I walked acr 如何将下列句子改为间接引语1.The mother said to her child :"Tyun off the radio."2.The dentist said to a patient:"Open your mouth please,so I can see the bad tooth clearly."3.The secretary said to the woman on the phone:"Could you hold on 把下列句子的直接引语改为间接引语1.She said,“I have to say goodbye now.”2.“I will come to see you next Sunday.”He said to her.3.“Tom was here a few minutes ago.”He told the policeman.4.“My brother will stay in this city f 如何将的句子下列改为间接引语The children said to their teacher,"would you plase sing a song for us." 将下列句子改为间接引语鲁班说:“不行,我的手艺还不精,我要再学三年.”卫生员固执地对我说:“不,我在路上可以喝凉水.”赵王告诉蔺相如说:“你要带着宝玉到秦国.”刘萍告诉老师: