
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:13:23
设A是n阶方阵,A经过若干次初等列变换变为矩阵B则选哪个A,/A/=/B/ B 存在可逆矩阵P,使PA=B C 存在可逆矩阵P,使PB=A D存在可逆矩阵P,使BP=A matlab 英译汉,一个句子some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future . 线性代数 增广矩阵 初等行 变换第三行怎么变的? 用矩阵的初等变换求方阵的逆阵:[3 2 1] [3 1 5] [3 2 3] 利用矩阵的初等变换,求方阵的逆阵 3 -2 0 -1 0 2 2 1 1 -2 -3 -2 0 1 2 1 利用矩阵的初等行变换,求方阵的逆矩阵 2 2 3 1 -1 0 -1 2 1 老师您好,试利用矩阵的初等行变换,求方阵1 2 -1的逆矩阵,3 4 2 5 -4 1 我想知道一栋32层高的楼房,最好是几楼居住比较好? 一个长句 英译汉A lot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition to work-typically kids who've had success early in life and who've become used to getting instant gratification.我自己写了4种答案,如果都不对,请写 它的内容,方法和意义 任意方阵均可写成一些初等矩阵的乘积形式. 将矩阵A表示成有限个初等方阵乘积 A的第一行为1 0 0 第二行为2 0 -1第三行为0 -1 0 matlab 这里有一段代码,求加注释解释意思:logx=log10(1:length(y));logy=log10(y);[p,S] = polyfit(logx,logy,1);%一次线性拟合gamma=p(1);%这个是算什么y0=p(2);%这个是算什么Output = polyval(p,logx);%这个是算什么Correla 利用初等变换求下列方阵的逆矩阵{ 3,-2,0,-10,2,2,1,1,-2,-3,-20 1 2 1} 求方阵的逆矩阵 ,A=3 2 1 3 1 5 3 2 3 谁会写创造力对科学发展的影响论文啊?有关哲学方面的 一本书的页码是连续的自然数1,2,3…当把这些页码加起来的时候,某个页码被加了两次,得到的和是2010,则这个被加了两次的页码是多少?详细! 谁能给我解释一下matlab的运行结果Ks{1}ans =2 3 41 3 52 6 7>> r=[3 1 2]r =3 1 2>> K=Ks{1}(r,r)K =7 2 64 2 35 1 3K=Ks{1}(r,r) 这个语句不明白,矩阵K是怎么算出来的? 帮我把以下命令在matlab下运行一下,把运行结果发上来!t=[0.25,0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,6,8];c=[ 19.21,18.15,15.36,14.10,12.89,9.32,7.45,5.24,3.01];y=log(c);aa=polyfit(t,y,1); a=aa(1)b=aa(2)k=-ad=300;v=d/exp(b) cc=exp(b)*exp(a*t);plot(t,c,'k+' 如何终止matlab中正在执行的指令 矩形房间的周长是28米,宽是6米,则对角线长是几米 矩形房间的周长是20m,宽是4m,则对角线长是几米? 室内量房卷尺最好用几米的 英译汉,1句A.B.C在外偷偷摸摸,碰到了D,出现了这么一个英文句子:something about their guilty faces cought D's eye. 数论求证:2222的5555次方加5555的2222次方能被7整除 一句英译汉!There is at least a good point about living there.My working place is just a few blocks away from where live.I don’t have spend much time in commuting everyday. 1.求所有满足3|2^n+1的正整数n.2.求2^1000除以13的余数.3.求证7|(2222^5555+5555^2222)4.设n为自然数,若(19n+14)与(10n+3)模83同余,则n的最小可能值是()A.4 B.8 C.16 D.325.试证明:对于一切自然数n,都有6|(n^3+11 求一句英译汉Don't get me wrong it is a perfectly lovely hotel with the suites more than acceptable however the perception that is provided through the marketing is not near the reality. 英译汉一句they missed opportunitie to question falsely limiting assumptions or to generate significantly different alternatives.they是指 太过缺乏争论的领导层主要是falsely limiting assumptions的意思? 一句英译汉.America has assimilated many people from Europe. matlab计算四重积分问题,如何比较简单的计算四重积分呢?必有重谢>> x=14*sin(pi/8);>> y=15-14*cos(pi/8);>> syms s t m n;>> int(int(int(int('1./((((x-m).^2+y.^2+n.^2).^0.5).*(((s-m).^2+225+(t-n).^2).^1.5))',s,-0.15,0.15),t,-0.15,0