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麻烦好心人帮我英语翻译一下下面这段对话,非常感激!不要翻译器的谢谢!因为昨天睡得早,没能及时看到这条消息,错过了与你的互动有点可惜,你的消息我几乎每条都有回,你就是我的正能量, 英语翻译摘要:由美国次贷危机等引发的金融危机使全球经济随之震动,作为经济全球化的一份子,中国也无法独善其身.本次金融危机对中国金融、出口贸易、劳动密集型产业等各方面产生了 我国北方地区冬季用燃煤取暖所造成的大气污染,已越来越引起人们的关注.现在有些家庭已经改用燃油取暖,以降低对大气的污染.小明家的住房面积约为110m^2,若将住房的门窗关闭好,用燃烧柴 车床电机的转速n=1440r/min,它的转轴套着齿轮A,A与变速箱中另一个齿轮B啮合时,变速比调为1:3,齿轮B的转轴上固定待加工的金属零件,需要通过车刀的切削来加工它的外表面,如图,已知车刀的刀 物理!有道题不懂!速度解答!http://www.mofangge.com/html/qDetail/04/c3/201112/rtyac30447349.html 这道题中我觉得温度应该和大气压成正比例的吧,就像气球,在高温的地方就会爆炸,所以我是这么觉得,但是这道 有道物理题搞不懂,想请大家讲讲思路,水面上的大气压强为75cmHg,水下20m出的压强为多少Pa 有道物理题不懂看见闪电后3秒钟听到雷声,表明闪电离你有多少公里左右?为什么? 三道英语选择题,选择并阐释.The big sign on the back of my door that says "keys" is to ______________ my keys when I go out.A.remind me of taking B.remind me to take C.memorize me to take D.memorize me of taking ______________,you should us (优先选择有解释的!)1—How was your summer vacation,Jim?—____ I didn't do anything interesting!A Not bad B Great C Terrible D Pretty good (翻译下 I didn't do anything interesting)2 What do you often do ____ snowy day?A in B on C 三道英语选择题的解析.1.Everything _____into consideration,they ought to have another chance.A.to take B.taken Cto be taken D.taking2.-John took a photogragh of you just now.-Really?what a pity I_______A.didn't look B wasn't looking C hadn"t 格式如下.一辆在高速公路上以108km/h行驶的汽车.它的速度为多少m/s格式:已知:求:由什么可得答: if the earth were compressed in such a way that its mass remained the same,but the distance around the equator were just one-half what it is now,what would be the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Earth?answer:4g 福建泉州惠安,经济如何?以什么产业为主? 【英语】三道英语选择题(有参考答案,要求分析错误选项)根据题中所给句子选择意思最相符的答案第一题【原句】When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments,they were amazed to find that the goddess tu 小学六年级英语PEP六年级下册配套练习与检测答案 英语六年级下册练习题(1)the people / friendly A:what()in Kunming?B:They're very ().(2)food / delicious A:Did you () to Haikou?B:Yes,() did.A:How was the ()?B:It was very () . 填上适当的冠词.1.i have a bag.___ bag is big.2.there is ___ bed in my room.3.i have ___ apple.___ apple is bigger than yours.4.___ length of _____ sperm whale is 15m.5.which monkey do you like,____ brown one or _____ yellow one?6.changjiang is 外研社小学英语六年级下册试题 the train will arrive ---- five minutes.A.in B.at C.after D.before为什么选A?急 首字母填空,1 She will be p___ three days off.2.Lucy is one of the r_____ at the meeting.同义句转换I am very angry with you.I __________ you too much.各位大哥大姐, 7年级4班用英语怎么翻译? 你 是的.用英语怎么翻译 洛阳有英语听说翻译班吗? 下面有一道物理题,将一个边长为1米的正方体物体平放在边长为2米的正方形空水池底部时,物体对水池底部产生的压强为10000帕.取出物体后,再将7.2t的水全部注入水池中,然后将物体轻轻放入水 在△ABC中,若A=60°,a=根号3,则(a+b+c)/(sinA+sinB+sinC)等于2 a.A:This is Tom speaking.b.B:OK.Don’t worry.Please stay at home and have a good rest.c.B:Bye,d.A:Hi,is that Miss Lin?e.A:I feel sick.I think I have a cold.I can’t go to school today.f.A:Thanks.Miss Li.Bye!g.B:Yes.What’s that?h.B:How are you,Tom 我在第三中学七年级四班读书 用英文怎么说?由于刚上初一,英文还不算太熟练, 英语翻译英语作文,请帮我把下面的句子翻译成英文:王艳,13岁,重庆人,重庆第三中学七年级学生.为人友好.喜欢英语,并说得一口流利的英语.喜欢吃川菜,不喜欢喝牛奶.以第三人称讲述的方式 英语翻译8道英语翻译题,急1.你家离邮局有多远____ _____ is it from your huose to the post office2.一年有365天There are____ _____ _____ ______ days in a year.3.她上个月乘火车去了上海She _____ _____ _____to Shanghai last 第三中学 翻译成英文 体积为0.3平方米的空心铁球漂浮在水面上,有三分之一部分露出水面,铁球受到的浮力是? 我叫李华,来自北京的阳光中学的翻译