
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:59:56
he is ____(ride) his bike to the subway station he rides his bicycle to the bus station 为什么加TO 英语中的不定式是 是属于语法中的什么范畴呢?像动词 名词 这些叫词类,主语 宾语这些叫句子成分,不定式是什么? safe副词 ----Have you worked out the problem,Sam ----Not yet ,but I____.A.did't B.am going to C.haven't D.have Have you worked out the math problem yet?Not yet ( )another hour I can work it outA Given B To be given C Giving D Having been given ----Have you worked out the troublesome problem yet __Yes .I ____________it out with the help of my wife after dinner .A.have worked B.worked C.had worked D.am working you are great .you have worked out the problem__(success) ( )you have worked out the first problem,you may go on to work on the second( )you have worked out the first problem,you may go on to work on the secondA.even if B.unless C.now that Dthough Cat likes fish,doesn't it?的否定句回答 I have a cat.It likes fish.It eatsf_food for dinner.A.a lot B.manyC.someD.any最好能再说说理由 I have a cat.It likes fish.It eats_food for dinner. my,usually,takes,grandmother,a,the,walk,in,morning连词成句 中国化学股份有限公司是央企吗 中国化学建设公司怎么样 Climbing a mountain is hard work.But one step after another finally brings a person to the top.Along the way,he can stop and look around.And the higher he climbs,the more wonderful his view (视野) is.If he keeps climbing,he will have a new world be climbing a mountain is hard wor both用法? both用法问题,急The two students ___12 years old.A,are both B both are选哪个?为什么不选另一个,说明原因 both 的用法Su Hai and Su Yang are students.A.all B.both c.two我不知选哪个答案.为什么选这个答案呢? 同意句转换1You don't need to wear uniforms today 2we study English very hard 中国辐射防护研究院环境工程技术研究所的总的待遇如何,包括各种福利在内.我是化工,去做技术服务的.急 不自量力:相形见绌:精巧绝伦:美味佳肴:不可思议:沾沾自喜:喜形于色:高深莫测:不值一提:与众不同:硕大无比:不过尔尔: 中科院化学所的理论化学怎么样,国内哪个地方的理论化学最好?能具体介绍一下化学所理论化学平时都做啥? safe的副词 medical的副词 ill的副词 sell的副词 enter的副词 She likes painting.(改疑问句) We need to practice more﹍﹍(learn)English well. 这些词语怎么解释 解释这些词语直觉层面理性层面感性层面 这些词语怎么解释呢 safe and sound这首歌的含义最好能写成推荐语的样子,200字左右.本人要在语文课堂上推荐这首歌.最好可以很文艺~ Safe and Sound这首歌什么意思 safe and sound