
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:00:16
埃及法老和金字塔有什么联系? 埃及法老有哪些很好的一些古老故事 埃及的各个法老名是什么? 请雅思高手还有老师帮我评判一下我的大作文并给出一点意见.\(≧▽≦)/~Nowadays,children play less with others and this has an impact on their development.What are the reasons for this?Does it have a good or a bad effect on c what is your dream,70词的初二作文,如题,作文内容大概就是写自己的梦想.允许小错误.那个,可以给个简单一点比较好背的吗?我要背下来的= = Are these _____ tickets?No,_____ are not _____._____ aren't here.(they) Are these _______ cards?No,______ are not ______ ._______ aren't here.(they)用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的恰当形式填空Are these________stamps No,______are not(they) 请问哪个英语句型是正确的,为什么?It is difficult to answer the question for me.It is difficult for me to answer the question. 英语,句型转换(准确啊)1.What about having dinner with them?(改为同义句)______ _____having dinner with them?2.My teacher asks me to come in.(改为同义句) My teacher_______me______in.3.Please give her a call at once.(改为同 u better check them out. these little kids are Non-mainstream? come on they look like circus chicks. are u guys trying to be a Acrobatic Troupe or is it me just thinking too much. If u love body peircing soo much then let me give u a suggestion, how BEYOND的爸爸妈妈歌词You better check this out是什么意思?翻译成中文谢谢, You better check this out是什么意思? 翻译成汉语“Think out a robot or a machine to help them live better Look!Your shoes are worn out,you’d better get them_______( mend) 英语作文:What do you think owning a private car 英语关于hold的词组.大侠帮我整理下啊.我记得乱啊.常用的,常考的,就好了.比如:hold in .hold up .hold off .hold down.等等. I__you will write me back soonA wishB hopeC wantD need为什么是选B? hold water 这个词组是什么意思呀?~~~~~~~~~~不要直译肯定不对~~~~~请告我准确的~~~~~~~~~~谢谢大家了! (1/2)-I will be back before Christmas.-I wish you _back before Thankgivi who is the taller boy,A and B 这里是用the吗,为什么 用hold词组表示翘起大拇指 Who is___of the two? A.the tallest B.taller C.the taller 英语翻译1.In terms of achievement ,last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here came to a low though not failing ,grade.2.The recent development in the global economy poses a serious challenge to the market in small countries. 同义句替换:1.Can you help me do the work?can you__me__the work2.I walked back to the hotel .I ___back to the hotel __ __ 同意句改写:I can help you with the work.I can help____ ____the work. 13.Are these _(they)books?yes,they are13.Are these _(they)books?yes,they are _(they) 14.This a boy _name is Frank 15.Jack,where are_socks?_(they)are here 16.-Did you put _coats?-No,we put_there 17.Tow and Jack are brothers .This_room.it is_ 18.This i hold 所构成的词组的各种解释比如hold up hold on hold词组的意思hold backhold onhold outhold uphold inhold off I have little money left,请问这个left的形式是怎么来的? ( )--I have a little money left.--Oh,I have even_____money.A.more B.fewer C.the lest D.less 和外国人讲英语,什么程度