
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:07:35
有关海的 英文单词有哪些?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊例如SEA 等 突然忘了 I would have written before,but I ( ) ill.A.were B.had been C.would be D.was would have written?29.Who do you think would___the letter of congratulations to the teacher?A.have written B.have wroteC.have to write D.have writes答案给的A,would have written, If I had had time,I would have written to you.But in fact I___not.A.have B.would have C.had D.had had这里的两个had是什么意思? 如何利用英语口语提高英语听力水平 找一个有2个英文单词求大神帮助这2个英文单词要是个一个词语的缩写~这个词语必须有一定的气势或意蕴! Have you read the book called Waiting for Anya?—Who __it?(2008 北京卷 ) A.writes B.has written为什么不能用一般现在时,表客观真理答案用过去式wrote Have you read a book called Waiting for anya?-Who( )it选项 A writes B wrote C has written D had writtenD选项为什么不可以 写 不是在读 这个动作之前吗 怎么不可以用过去完成时呢? --Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya?--Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya?--Who _____ it?A.writes B.wrote但A不是表示一样常规的事么,一直都是存在的客观真理,书就是XX写的. Have you read the book called Waiting for Anya?—Who __it?(2008 北京卷 )答案选wrote,这又是为什么? ...—Have you read book called Waiting for Anya?...—Have you read book called Waiting for Anya?—Who _ it?A writes B has written C wrote D had written选择什么呢?是a还是c 26个英文字母用汉字怎么读 Have you written a letter to you mather ? I wrote _____ yesterday. 是填IT还是ONEHave you written a letter to you mather ?I wrote _____ yesterday. 是填IT还是ONE/ 英语翻译We received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation.As requested,we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to extend the L/C up to and including September 30.Please keep us abreast of any new developm After i have ansered his telephone call,then i ( )have wrote him a letter,括号里还用加have吗?原 Letter英文翻译 英语翻译:We received your letter today and have informed our customersWe received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. As requested, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to extend the L/C up to and Who was the book( A.write B.wrote C.written D.written by by who was the book written The book ____ (write) by Bill Gates in 2002.是 is written 还是 was written who was the book weitten by?和whom was the book written by?有什么区别? 2014年元宵节是几号 Who-----------this book------------?A.did;written B,did;written by C.was;written D.was;written by 2014年元宵节放假吗 2014年元宵节是几月几号?送什么礼物给女朋友比较好呢?想表达我很爱她的. 2014年元宵节是哪天 @这个字母读什么翻成中文怎么写 26个英语字母,用汉语该怎样念 怎么提高英语口语水平和听力水平最近我突然间喜欢和老外聊天了 打字聊天一般都会 但是语音聊天就太差了 说的都是中国式的英语 丢脸死了 听不懂他们说什么 就回答OH OK YES 丢死人了.谁 写出下列动词的过去式 is\am_________ plant________ are ________  drink_________ play_______ go________ make ________   does_________ dance________ worry________ ask _____   taste_________ eat__________ put ______   kick______ 写出下列动词过去式is/amis/am__ fly ___ plant___ are __ play___dance__ worry__ ask___ taste___ stop___kick___ pass____ paint___ stay___talk____look__ join__ dream__protect___plan____