
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:29:07
这种两针台灯灯管,只能是高压点亮高压保持?电感镇流器是高压点亮低压保持只能用在日光灯上?点亮肯定是高压么?灯管内部是否自带启辉器呢?我只串联一个电感镇流器能点亮不?灯管写的60v9 灯管台灯有电子的,有电感启动的.如何分辨?其中的差别在哪里? 我想问下为什么台灯灯管里面有的有启辉器有的没有启辉器?台灯不是都是用电子镇流器的吗?电子镇流器不是不需要启辉器吗? 荧光灯电感镇流器能用在台灯上吗?镇流器:上海国荣镇流器 HYZ28-20 20W 电感灯:华雄 11w单端荧光灯 用在台灯上.请问能不能用这那镇流器镇这种灯?如果能,发个电路图. I love you more than that, I2 魏慧我爱你英文字怎么打 Saturday night前应该填什么介词? AnOWIisawake()night应填什么介词 10.“How long have you been here?” “_______ the end of last month.”A.In B.ByC.At D.Since 电感镇流器和电子镇流器的区别,方案哪家公司有?主要做电子镇流器,之前用的都是杰瑞特张罗生先生的方案,产品还不错.电感镇流器于电子镇流器的差异最大是什么?用电子的好还是电感的好? Look!There ______ a new bridge .It ___ last month Late in the afternoon,they arrived at _____ small village ____ north of the West Hill.A.the; the B.a; / C.a; the D.the; /答案为什么是B?north前面为什么不用the Connie arrived at the village on a snowy night arrived和late是什么意思 求用英语翻译:我只想告诉你,我完全看不懂你写的是什么.主保佑我的英语能好点. Eevery year more people realize that it is w__to kill wildlife for sport .The number of hunters,however,g__ quickly.wildlife is disappearing because of shooting and because of the l__of living areas .The loss of l ______areas will continue with our g By the end of last term,they ___(work)there for ten years.能讲出为什么吗 用正确形式填空By the end of last term,they __(work) there for ten years.可用:had been working吗 为什么? By the end of last month,he ___ in the club for wtwo yearsA.has beenB.had beenC.joinedD.has joinde 我们不在家时,别让灯一直亮着(翻译) 翻译成英语:神啊,保佑我. 物质和精神奖励用英语怎么说 People have breakfast at anytime-----sevenPeople have breakfast at anytime-----seven to nine in the morning. 连词成句:the,morning,I,at,seven,breakfast,have,about,in. 开着灯睡觉对儿童的视力有害.用英语怎么说 “你呐里个谋兜啊.”看到的一条短信,是粤语么?什么意思?是浙江杭州方言么? “在美国最常见的事物”用英语怎么说? what time do you have breakfast答语 what do you have at breakfast time? do,what,you,have,time,breakfast(连词成句) What time do you have breakfast?的问句不是问句是回答 I have my breakfast (at seven o'clock).对括号里的内容提问,是用What time还是用When来提问?