
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:41:22
三角形的面积,周长的公式?急. 公务员试题答疑(判断推理--逻辑判断)已知,(1)只要甲被录取,乙就不被录取;(2)只要乙不被录取,甲就被录取;(3)甲被录取.已知这三个判断一个真,两个假.由此退出A、甲乙都被录取 高一很简单的物理题,拜托回答!如图所示,两根轻绳同系于一个质量m=0.1kg的小球.两绳的另一端分别固定在轴上的A,B两处,上面绳AC长L=2m,当两绳都拉直时,与轴的夹角分别为30°和45°,求当小球随 线段OA=2AB,A,B为两个质量相等的小球,当它们绕O点在光滑的水平桌面上相同的角速度转动时,两线段拉力fAB:fOB为?如图 lilianren1126, 是不是做错了啊。 fOA-fAB=m (2AB)w^2. 如果不看B点, 假设外圈不 如图,已知CB平分AB,CE平分∠BCD,DE平分∠CDA,∠1+∠2=90°,试说明DA垂直AB.C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\未命名.jpg 如图,∠ACB=90°,AC=AD,DE⊥AB.求证:∠ECD=∠EDC 物理机械效率题!~要详细解答!~谢谢!~如图.在空气中匀速提起质量为240g的石块时,弹簧秤的示数为0.72N,将石块浸没在水中匀速提起时,弹簧秤的示数为0.52N,已知滑轮总质量为120g,不计摩擦,g取10N/k 如图所示,拉力F=75N,物体重G=120N,若绳子自由端匀速移动的距离s=4m,不计绳重及摩擦,求:①动滑轮的重力②拉力所做的有用功③拉力所做的总功W总④该滑轮组的机械效率η这题我已经做好了,还 小华和他的兴趣小组利用如图所示的滑轮组进行时实验,人以300N的力向下拉绕在滑轮组上的绳子一端,5s内绳子下端移动了1m,重物上升0.5m,已知该滑轮组机械效率为80%.求人拉力做工的功率是多 大家谁有关于物理机械效率的试题~!要答案的~~!快快啊要有题目~!和答案 如图ce平分角bcd DE平分角CDA角1+角2=90度 角A=100求角B A bullet of mass m traveling at velocity v strikes a lock of mass 2m that is attached to a rod of length R.The bellet collides with the block at a right angle and gets stuck in the block.The rod is free to rotate.What is the centripetal acceleration A pilot performs an evasive maneuver by diving vertically at 310 m/s.If he can withstand an acceleration of 9.0 g's without blacking out,at which altitude must he begin to pull out of the dive to avoid crashing into the sea? 在8、8分之1、0.5、9、16这五个数中,()能被()整除,()和()是互质数 在5、12、15、16这四个数中,互质数有()对,他们是() 如图,ad平行于bc,角a等于90度,e是ab上一点,角edc等于角ecd,ae等于bc.请你说明角dec等于90度的理由. 数学问题设A※B表示A的5倍减去B的3倍,见补充设A※B表示A的5倍减去B的3倍,即A※B=5A‐3B,例如当A=8,B=6时,8※6=5﹡8‐3*6=22.3※(4/5※2/3﹚的最后结果是﹙  ‍) a的5倍与b的1/5的和表示为( ) A horizontal spring,resting on a frictionless tabletop,is stretched 17cm from its unstretched configuration and a 1.00-kg mass is attached to it.The system is released from rest.A fraction of a second later,the spring finds itself compressed 3.4cm fr 一些英语题目(用英文回答)1、Can 11 and 2 make Why?2、A thief is afraid of the four letters "OICU".Do you know why?3、What letter is a question?4、You are not son ,but he is your father.who are you?5、Ten plus ten is ten.Ten minus t 如图,AD平行BC,∠A=90°,AD=BE,∠ECD=∠EDC请写出AB,AD,BC之间的关系,并说明理由.. 看的懂英文的帮我解决一下物理题,Using dimension,show that a change in work(W=Fs) equals a change in kinetic energy(KE=1/2 mv^2).Some dimensions given:length(distance) L; mass M;Time T 如图,在四边形ABCD中,BD⊥AD,AC⊥BC,E是AB的中点,试说明∠EDC=∠ECD 求(如图)的教师用书或第一章的课后(课内练习、作业题、做一做)的答案.废话不要留,不要乱答.答得好的另加分.实在不行一课也可以.1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6的课后答案浙江教育出版社 7分之五吨可以表示把五吨(),()是多少. 如图,△ACB和△ECD都是等腰直角三角形,△ACB顶点A在△EDC斜边DE上,证:AE²+AD²=2AC²连接BD 英文的物理题 When the temperature is constant.the pressure of a given mass varies inversely as the volume.Given that the pressure is 8kPa when the volume is 150cm^3,the pressure if the volume is 100cm^3 is A.16kPa B.18kPa C.24kPa D.24kPa先翻 A uniform ladder 7.10m long weighing 500N rests with one end on the ground and the other end against a perfectly smooth vertical wall.The ladder rises at 55.0∘ above the horizontal floor.A 800N painter finds that she can climb 2.95m up the ladd 如图,AC⊥CE,AC=CE,∠ABC=∠EDC=90度,问BD=AD+ED吗?并说明理由 在RT△ABC中,CA=CB ∠ECF=45交AB于点ef ab²=2af×be求证,ab²=2af×be 中译英:科学老师说我不是很努力 在三角形ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边为abc,且a=1,c=√2,cosC=3/4(1)求sin(A+B)(2)求sinA(3)求向量cb×向量ca