
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:57:34
history.back(-1) 在ASP中,history.back(-1)的作用是什么? Mike can swim ,and Peter can swim ,too(同义句) The family live in an a_____ on Renmin Road 这个姑娘不漂亮,麻烦你去跟河伯说一声,说我要选择个漂亮的,过几天就送去.(1)“不漂亮”并不是指姑娘真的____,而是借此使姑娘___;“不会满意”“选个漂亮”不是真心要__,而是以此为借 西门豹治邺是什么故事 英语翻译是going to bed He gave me _____ (specific) information about the story than Lily did. 如何简单爱 我是男的,都22了,还没尝过恋爱的滋味,我平时听的歌,看的电影都是关于爱情的,而周围同学大都沉浸在爱情之中,我很郁闷.好后悔上学时没谈恋爱,上次相亲,女的问我这问我那,我真想把自己的 history意思是什么 英语翻译 Paul doesn't have to be made to learn. There are lots of lockers____the students. 关于a/an填空的具体题目( )united action 这道题请问应该填A还是AN呢?我不明白为什么un发的音好像是元音答案却填a,其他的un的基本都是... a,an的用法,( )There's___"h",___"o",___"u",and___"r"in the word "hour".A.a,an,an,a B.an,an,a,an C.an,an,an,a D.a,an,a,a get的过去式是got吗? now you got it ?为什么表现在时的now跟过去式动词got一起使用? 求 Life in the future 作文 用will的句型,包括生活 学习 旅游 天气 四个方面.80词以内. 帮我写一篇关于Schools in the future 的作文,要用will加动词,最好还要用上so(两个都要)80词以上.90词以下.不要说 自己写 之类的话啊! One can see different______of people here.填kinds 还是 types?我觉得两个都可以,答案是KINDS嘻嘻,britney的circus里第一句就是there's only two types of people in the world.我就是凭这个选的types。 这句话用中文写的是什么 I think you husband,I really want you,you know?I am really about to collapse these days,there will be a miracle every day,looking forward,you will suddenly appearing in front of me let me know what to do,hold me tigh the people here are friendlier than ____ there.为什么要用those The world's most simple spells.Three words I'm sorry there are many kinds of classes for those__are afraid to fly A who B whose C when D which We want to go to the m_.There are all kinds of plants therert 选出下面单词的元音字母1.banana 2.hour 3.bike 4.yellow 5.date 6.beautiful 7.fruit8.bread 9.fever 10.understand 11.Pear 12.quite在每个单词里找 what are the zebras doing( ) there? to be here at christmas time is a dream that has come______(真实) a door Dream Lucy rents a house to Lily(同义句) got a gift 元音字母和辅音字母+单词