
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:40:00
American Academy of Pediatrics是什么意思 抗遗忘英语单词速记在那可以下到全套的?给孩子看、拜托啦孩子记单词总是记不住、我快急死了、谁可以帮帮忙?拜托大家了~ -who would you like to see me at the moment?-the man _C_Mr N,A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 我选的D,为什么是calling himself?calling不是被动么? -Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.-Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 为什么选c用现在分词? Who would like to see me at the moment?回答The man_______ Mr Nelson.选项在下面:-Who would like to see me at the moment?-The man _____ Mr Nelson.A called himself B we call him C calling himself D is called 应该选哪个? S.M.THE BALLAD HOT TIME和 MISS YOU的MP3链接, 用long long ago,house,forest,garden编写故事,词数不少于30用long long ago,house,forest,garden编写故事,词数不少于30个 用long long ago ,forest,flower,garden写一篇故事不少于30个词 有什么可以快速记忆英语单词,又不易忘? 用 have.in common和 for this reason造句, 如何利用废纸 英语翻译想知道的语言点:1—make a reservation :预订一个房间.这里表示预订一个场地吧.2—make up all the organization :这里make up 怎么翻译3—as early as a week 怎么翻译4—go well with the place you rent skates/skating on real ice is very exciting.kates和skating 要哪一个啊?为什么? there are plenty of money 还是there is plenty of money?这里的谓语动词根据什么定?是money吗? 提单上consignee:to the order of bank tejarat,那么发票和箱单上的consignee该如何写?提单上consignee:to the order of bank tejarat,那么发票和箱单上的consignee该写to the order of bank tejarat,还是开证申请人呢? 他捐了很多钱来修路.He ___ ___ plenty of money to build the road. I like to make snowmen.改为一般疑问句 You can't skate on the ice.It's too t___. 初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心碎.求正确回答 have been v+ed / have v+ed 的区别 I don’t expect no doctor could have done no better.这句话好难理解, l can't find enough time to do the things l want to do同义句l can’t find enough time to do--- --- Let the guests _____(have) a cup of orange juice. you are a bottom of juice,sweet,but not the cup of my coffe.you are a bottom of juice, sweet, but not the cup of my coffe.以上是我一个朋友发给我的,请问是什么意思.我喜欢这个人,他是给我答复的话,请大虾帮我解释清 一径竹阴云满地 半帘花影月笼纱的意思 诗句(像“一径竹阴云满地半帘花影月笼纱”这样的)要“一径竹阴云满地半帘花影月笼纱”这样的诗句. 翻译:Girl,you should look into it only a day. Did the thief include a note every time he sent Sam more money or not?求意思 You also forget that there the editor frowned as he looked over the poorly written script,这句子这句话中,as引导的什么句子?另外poorly written script是什么搭配? There is air e____. There is( )air-conditioner.