
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:15:49
dance应该怎么读?是当丝呢还是但丝? 请问中国时间的英语是China time还是Chinese time? I need take a shower? take a shower的意思 dr_v_r 横线上应该填什么? 先填单词 然后说意思 dr_ _(意思?) w_ _r(意思?)求了 急用啊 We feed the puppy 4 times a day(4划线提问) I shall visit the SPCA tomorrow(tomorrow划线提问) You must take the medicine 3 times a day.(划线提问)划线部分3 times _______(not feed)the kitten too many times a day. She hopes____(have) a great time.空处改填什么呢? They have a great time ____ in China. 用“quiet”和“noise”造句翻译!两个单词连成一句! Keep quiet.Don‘t make any noise.这里的noise可以变为负数吗?为什么 The ___ he is.the____he becomes.(old)(quiet)用适当形式词填空 quite come quiet noise的e 哪个发音不同 英语 dr.jart怎么念啊?英文和中文 英语根据中文填空 英语根据汉语填空.Man should live in harmony with nature,and____________________(试图征服它是不明智的). was,Everything,morning,clean,this连词成句 英语翻译要中英文对照的哦~都说改了个别的歌词~ this morning clean everything怎么拼 生活随笔300字(原创) was,everything,morning,this,clean连词成句怎么连? 英语 单选 词汇题如果可以最好把考点说下 题很多 辛苦啦 要追加分数的1.There is a rising____of unemployment because of the econmic crisi.a.rate b.percentage c.ratio d.proportion【D】 为什么不选A4.I____with thanks the 词义辨析,单选"Shanghai’s high school students have been ____to a lot of foreign culture.They may soon go beyond the stage of worshipping other cultures and return to their own.″Gu said.A.exposed B.betrayed C.corresponded D.abandoned我觉 一道英语词意辨析的单选A firm has revealed a set of robotic legs which they claim will soon allow____wheel chair bound people to walk again. A originally BpreviouslyC properlyDprimarily A Blessing or a 写一篇英语文章 Is E-mail blessing or a curse这星期要写三篇 真的写不出了 the question of whether certain chemical fertilizers are a curse or are they a blessing is still?the question of whether certain chemical fertilizers are a curse or are they a blessing is still being debated?出自sat语法,这句话是对的吗?我 the questiare of whether fertilizers are a curse or a blessing to farmers is still being a bitterly contested 请问这句话of whether fertilizers are a curse or a blessing 是定语从句吗?如果是不为什么不是?还有是什么从句? 3道英语单选求解释(词汇辨析类)1.The talks might____for weeks before any concrete result is announced.A)press on B)drag on C)get bogged down D)hold out答案是B,为啥C不对呢?2.I will hold you personally___if anything goes wrong in 三篇生活随笔 每篇大概550~600字 好的再加50分!1.关注感悟身边的人、事、物,不要胡编乱造.2.关注奥运会 3.深入思考规划未来两年的学业