
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:26:26
2道英语选择题 初三的1.I first met Lisa three years ago when we _____ at a radio station together.A.have worked B.had been working C.were working D.had worked2.下面哪句话是“错”的?A.Could you tell me what is wrong with Peter's ar 1.will the meeting be over soon?No ,It_____just______A.is starting B.has started C.will start D.was starting2.don't carefully ,____you will make mistakesA.and B.or C.but D.so Do you want * one-way ticket or round trip?A.a B.the C./There are some *** in it.A.sugar B.beer C.deer D.moneymoney不也是单复数同行吗,为什么不可以? 1our mintor is considered什么the best firenda,having been b,to have beenc,to be d,being2why什么a rest with usa,not to have b,not having c,no have d,didnt have 为什么锅是铁或铝做的而锅把却是用塑料或木头做的 佛经中,左边一个木字旁右边上面一瞥一横下面是一个丹字怎么念 佛经中,左边一个耳字右边一个沈字去掉三点水,怎么念?还有,左边一个口字旁右边一个缚字怎么念? 佛经里,左边一个身字右边一个沈字去掉三点水怎么念? 英语,横线的题 皇帝的新装剧本 左边一个角丝旁,右边一个真是什么字帮我打出来下,谢谢 请问横线里填什么,Look at me.I am soft and warm.Iam biack and white .I have two small eyes .I see with them.My f-----food is bamboos.who am I i am a panda. 英语习题(将给出的单词填到适当的横线上)单词:(good ,catches,mice,night,sleep,mouse,who,comes,can,we)Many___live in a big house.They___in the daytime and play at____.They are very happy all day long.Then one day a cat comes.He___ 疯狂猜图四个字黄色边蓝色里,中间一道黄~像盾品牌,浅青色底~ 疯狂猜图中猜“电影&电视”答案是四个字的,图中有一把剑,边上带血点,背景是蓝色和土黄色, 木柄铁锅为什么要选择木材做锅柄? 木柄铁锅是家庭常用的一种饮具,为什么要选择铁做锅而选择木材做锅柄? 野生动物正在被过度捕杀的英文翻译 人们该不该捕杀野生动物?为什么? unscramble the dialog1.hi.john.john_________2.how are you betty_______3.hi .Betty jonh_____4.I am OK.And you Betty__________5.Fine.thank youunscramble the dialoghi.john.john_________2.how are you betty_______3.hi .Betty _______________ 4.I am OK.And 许多人们为了自己的利益捕杀野生动物(译英) 捕杀野生动物是什么行为我是问这是“什么行为”! 帮我看看这个英语题选什么Who do you think___the first to step into the field?A.was B.to be C.of being D.being选哪个? 看看这道题选什么英语28.We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou,__________ live my grandparents and some relatives.A.which B.that C.who D.where 选什么,为什么.24,It is said that the school bus accident ______ 17 young lives,which _____ the whole country.A,has claimed; shocks B,had claimed; shocksC,claimed; shocked D,claims; shocking 急需有关烦恼的英语作文 看看这个英语题选什么为什么25.—Why didn’t you come to the cinema with us last Saturday? —Oh,sorry.But I the film. A.see B.saw C.have seen D.had seen 英语作文烦恼 看看这个英语题,选什么为什么?29,Recently in China,the brain drain has been ______.That is to say,there has been a _______ of the process across China.A,refuse,refusal B,change; change C,arrive; arrival D,reversed; reversal 皇帝的新装改写,是剧本,要上交老师的了啊.写得好点啊,也要幽默点的. 共10题,做对一题得8分,错一题扣5分,张华最终得41分,他做对多少道题? (选择)o(∩_∩)o1.____ I have one healthy habit ,____ I ' am not very healthy.( )A.Although ,but B.But ,although C.But ,/ D.Although ,/2.Hear is a recipe ____ a great turkey sandwich.( )A.to B.of C.for D.with3.- How many books ____ you ____ ye