
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:02:06
[急]初三学生怎么整理课桌! 已知正整数对如下排列:(1,1)(1,2)(2,1)(1,3)(2,2)(3,1)(1,4)(2,3)(3,2)(4,1)(1,5)(2,4)……,则第15个数对已知正整数对如下排列:(1,1)(1,2)(2,1)(1,3)(2,2)(3,1)(1,4)(2,3)(3,2)(4,1)(1,5)(2,4)……,数对(20,46)是第()数 我爱文学的小报应该怎么出啊?会的请告诉一下.最好是能具体一点的,全面的 已知整数对如下排列:(1,1)(1,2)(2,1)(1,3)(2,2)(3,1)(1,4)(2,3)(3,2)(4,1)(1,5)(2,4)……,第2012个数对是A(59,5)B(59,4)c(60,6)D(60,5) 说明原因 把整数1,2,3,4,5······,按如下规律排列 怎么排 12,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,··· ··· ··· 按此规律,可知第N行有----个正整数 Directions:For this part,you are required to write a letter.You should write at least 120 words Directions:For this part,you are required to write a letter.You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below:假如你是李响,就申 Write at least 60 words about Frank’s daily life according to his own description:Life is both interesting and colourful to me,though it’s sometimes tiring.I usually get up at a quarter past six.After a quick shower,I usually read English for abo Write a letter of at least 50 words to your teachers, telling them how to make your school life more enjoyable or interestingDear _____,__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 圆锥体的高和底面半径都等于一个正方体的棱长.已知正方体的体积是600立方厘米.圆锥体的体积是多少? 圆锥体的高和底面半径都等于一个正方体的棱长.已知正方体的体积是90立方厘米.圆锥体的体积是多少? 圆锥体的高和底面半径等于一个正方体的棱长,已知正方体的体积是90立方厘米,求圆 圆锥的高和底面半径都等于一个正方体的棱长,已知正方体的体积是30立方厘米,求圆锥的体积是多少立方厘米? 如何整理课桌 我们要做一张小报,主题是:作文.大家帮我想一个大标题,要有诗意一点的. 诗意一些 1024M等于多少G?刚好一G啊? 《我爱文学》手抄小报怎么做啊? 手抄小报怎么弄啊 我爱美丽的校园手抄小报自己想吧 定语从句 come and take a picture of the house ____ the president used to live.用that when where which who whom whose填空、he is talking about Mike,____ sister started writing advice for newspaper readers three years ago.that girl is Alice,___ 接连不断的到来,换成一个成语,可以是络绎不绝吗? 1BYTE等于多少BPS? 计算机中bps等于Bps吗? Write an English poster for a volleyball match according to the dialogue given belowA:Hi,Mike.Are you interested in going to a volleyball match?B:Oh,of course.Men's or women's?A:It's an international women's volleyball match between China and Cuba. ..(write the word or expression according according to the given meaning.)1.He can't hear you even if you speak loudly because he is___ ___.(completely unable to hear)2.When he is angry,he always goes into his own bedroom and___the door.(shut with a 奶奶给佳佳和乐乐相同的压岁钱,奶奶给的压岁钱占佳佳总压岁钱的5分之1,占乐乐总压岁钱的11分之1,佳佳和乐乐原有压岁钱的比是多少?要算式!不要方程! 比喻将要来临的成语 Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “An Unforgettable Story”.( 以“一次难忘的经历”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格.)( 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关 you should write at least 100 words following the outline given below in Chinese.这句话里面的 following given 都是后置定语吧? 什么是算术平均数? 我想知道简单算术平均数、加数算术平均数、加数调和平均数的计算公式及其应用条件, 什么叫算术平均数?具体定义讲解,最好要有例子