
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:15
我是外国留学生 忙帮修改一下这篇作文 (立即采纳)4在树林里有一个人正在爬山.看起来好像她要减肥.最近大部分的人为了减肥正找很多方法.比以前吃饭吃得少,做运动等等.爬山是运动方 我是外国留学生 忙帮修改一下这篇作文 (立即采纳)3她常常上午去爬山.她爬山的样子非常漂亮.最近很多人去爬山,爬山的好处是不但人们她常常上午去爬山.她爬山的样子非常漂亮.最近很 It's snowing.You( )play out of the house.(are can't go选哪个) I won’t have you losing weight 中为什么用 have doing 翻译:write out all the colours on this big wheel and then colour them with the right colours 白马王子用英语怎么讲 2005分之1乘以2006分之1=---------1乘以2分之1+2分之1乘以3分之1...+2005分之1乘以2006分之1 各位白马王子英文怎么讲啊? 白马王子 英语翻译这个吧 每个女孩子心中都有一个自己心目中的白马王子 甲、乙两人同时从两地相向而行,甲每时行4千米,乙每时行5千米,4小时后两人在途中相遇,两地相距多少千米? There are a couple of reasons to name.有这种说法吗听力里面听到,不知道那个name是否听错,没见过这种说法 Very reluctant,but there is no way bound to this... There are bound to be such accident 怎么翻译? 英语翻译 你回想到历史上哪些有关忠诚的故事?说说你对忠诚的感受 回想革命历程,联想今天,写出你的感受 From the hill we can see the whole town b----- 夏天会下雪么 i sat on the top of the the hill,____i could enjoy the whole view of the towni sat on the top of the the hill,____i could enjoy the whole view of the townAfrom Where Bfrom Which C that D on Which 选哪个,为什么 英语翻译急,谢咯 英语翻译I'm a wandering soulI got no place of my ownWell I got nothing to giveWell I got nothing to show for itAnd I'll be wondering all,for all my yearsWhat I become no one could knowIf you're feeling what I'm feeling c'monAll you soul searching 人教版小学三年级语文《好汉查理》的“查”读什么“查”多数读“cha 的二声”,作姓氏时读“zha的一声”,但《好汉查理》是翻译的文章,所以我认为“查理”该读“cha 的二声”, “人生不如意之事十之八九,可说与人无一二” 常听人说:“人生不如意事常十有八九”,应怎样理解这句话? 查理告别杰西后会变成一个怎样的人? 修改病句:通过与杰西的交往,使查理改变了很多 好汉查理课文查理认识杰西以后变得了什么人 把这个句子改一下 练习册题 七下的There are some desks and chairs in the classroom 改一般疑问句做2回答_____________there______desks and chairs in the class room?yes,____.no,_______The library is behine the hotel.改同义句Th you should read the ( introduction ) beforeyou using the machine .introduction需不需要用复数. 英语翻译The world is full of very rich peoplewho are as miserable as if they were living in hell翻译一下 The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.这句英语的语法是怎样的?as miserable as if 这里是什么句型,是"as...as"还是“as if”如果是as if,那么前一个as在句子里是充 好汉查理这篇课文讲了什么