
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 20:39:07
不等式x+1的绝对值+1大于0的解集 解绝对值不等式|x-2|-|x+1| 1.若代数式1/2(X+1)+1/6(X+1)+1/12(X+1)...+1/1980(X+1)+1/2070(X+1)的值是45,试问X的值是多少?(1/2=二分之一......)2.若规定两数a,b通过"※"运算,得到4ab,即a※b=4ab,2※6=4×2×6=48(1)求3※5.(2)无论x是什么 求下面两道直线与圆题目的解析 Thanks for your last e-mail.翻译 英语翻译Thanks for your e-mail.I will be out of office from Sep10 to Sep14.For my business,please contact Pinky Deng ext850 and Charles Qin ext 839 for help,thanks 英语翻译Thanks for your mail but the photos in your link are not suitable for our catalogue.We would need the following photos to be included in theNEW catalogue we are currently finalising:Photo of mixer SM-2400 (with FONESTAR design and colours thanks for your translationreading to be done for pleasure ,reading to be glanced through and reading which is to lead to a slow assimilation of facts. 解关于X的不等式X的绝对值-X分之2+1>0 解绝对值不等式:|1-x|+| x-2| 两道有关圆的题目1、三角形三边长分别为5cm,12cm,13cm,以三角形三个顶点为圆心的三个圆两两相切,求此三个圆的半径.2、三角形ABC的面积为4平方厘米,周长为10厘米,求三角形的内切圆半径过程 1.已知直线 l 经过点D(-1,4),与x轴的负半轴和y轴的正半轴分别交与A,B两点,且Rt△AOB的内切圆圆O'的面积为π,求直线l的函数表达式.2.以BC为直径的圆O交△CFB的边CF于点A,BM平分∠ABC交AC于点M,AD⊥ Thanks for your last letter.同义句_____ _____ _____ your last letter. Thanks for your last letter.中文意思是什么? Dear Sandy Thanks for last letter.You told me something a__ your city.I am very glad to hear thatmany things have c__ in your city.Now I am telling you what has h__in my city.There have also b__great changes in Nanjing s___ over twenty years ago .Nan 阅读选择:Dear Jill Thanks for your last letter.I like it very much.In this letter I want to tell you about my best friend.His name is Victor. Victor has long,dark brown hair and green eyes.He is the same age as I.But he's tall.He is alway 请教两道数学题!(初二上学期)(1)一个正方体的表面积是30cm的平方,求这块钢板的边长是多少?(2)一个圆柱的体积为26m的三次方,且底面圆的直径与圆的高相等,求这个圆柱的底面半径(精 不等式x/x-1的绝对值大于x/x-1的解集为?要有具体过程, 方程(X/12+15)*3=X 圆相关的两道题1.已知△ABC,以AB为直径的⊙O经过BC的中点D,DE⊥AC于E,求证DE是圆O的切线若角C等于60°,DE=6,求圆O的直径图:2.三角形ABC中,角C等于90°,AC=9,BC=12,O为BC边上一点,以O为圆心,OB为半径作 圆的两道题目1 半圆O的直径AB等于10厘米,半径OC垂直于AB,圆O1与OC、OB都相切,且与半圆O内切,求O1的半径2 已知半圆O的半径为2R,O1、O2与O3各圆两两相切,圆O1、O2半径为R,求圆O3的半径.大家多多帮忙 若2ab=5,a的平方减去b的平方等于4分之15,求a的平方加b的平方 解关于x的不等式ax^2-(a+1)x+1 解关于x的不等式(ax-1)/(x^2-x-2)>0 用配方法解一元二次方程3X^2+x-2=0 解不等式(ax-a^2-1)(x-2)≥0, 一元二次方程 2X^2-5X-8=0用配方法 9X^2+10X-4=0用公式法 (X-1)^2=3X(X-1) 急最后一道题用因式分解 9x+4(50-x)≤360 3x+10(50-x)≤290 不要文字说明 关于x的一元一次不等式组5-3x≥0,x-m≥0关于x的一元一次不等式组{5-3x≥0 有解,则m的取值范围是{x-m≥0 maxz=7x+12y 9x+4y≤360 4x+5y≤200 3x+10y≤300 x≥0,y≥0 如何解,需要用到什么公式?maxz应该=42.8 NAME:MARYSubjectsMathematicsShe is not so good at this,but she has tried her best to catch up with others.FrenchHer reading is very good,and she can remember many words.PhysicsShe is a little weak in this,but has done better than before.ChemistryShe 解不等式组2x-3y-2=0 1-y=3x