
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:39:54
Lucy invited her friends to her party ,but ____cameA.a little B.little C.few D.a few My friends Lucy invited me to her party yesterday 改为被动语态Jim is too weak to lift the heavy box 改为同意句 喜爱 书就像 造句 "书籍好比______________________,___________________________”造句 如图,在三角形abc中,bc=10,角bac=110°,mn、pq分别垂直平分ab、ac,求角map的度数和三角形amp的周长. 郑愁予的错误里得一个倒装句是那一句·····十万火急 I could be everything you need say,what you wanna hear So don't say sorry How long I have to wait. I could be everying you need,say what you wanna hear,so don’t say sorry ,how long I have to...I could be everying you need,say what you wanna hear,so don’t say sorry ,how long I have to wait ,I could be everything you need ,change if you want to 古诗观沧海 这道题选什么,说明原因5.The international situation is very _______ in the Middle East.A.delicious B.perfect C.delicate D.percent6.Even though he knew that I should study,he still ______ me to go to the movies.A.recognized B.extended C.persu hither and thither 是什么词性是介词短语吗 冲刺100分,丝绸之路,丝绸之路是古代贯通( )西方的通道,它东起( ),往西一直延伸到( ),( )、( )、( )、( )的一些故事都与这条路有关. 当你读《西游记》中孙悟空对妖怪毫不手软,会想到成语_____,会联想到_____. 看到了孙悟空想到了两个成语,哪两个成语? I could be everything you need ; say what you wannna hear ;chang if you want Many people don't know how to keep healthy变为同义句 答:Many people don't know ______ _______ ____等于什么 /kl/Miner son,I could be everysing you need change,if you want to see So don't say sorry 什么意 "I could be everything you need,say,what you wanna hear,change,if you want to see."英译汉 Do you like r______ to keep healthy .She o_____ you need to help me .麻烦填完横线上的 根据:孙悟空,西游记,云,跟头.写一个成语 some people walk in the rain .others just get 若圆x2+y2+(m2-1)x+2my-m=0关于直线x-y+1=0对称,则实数m的值为 我算出来是-1或3 Some people just want to say:fuck 若圆C:X²+Y²+(M²-1)X+2MY-M=0关于直线X-Y+1=0对称,则实数M的值为 点A是圆C:x^2+y^2 +4x+my-5=0上任意一点,若点A关于直线y=1-2x的对称点B也在圆C上,则实数m的值为谢谢谁可以解开这难题,我需要祝你身体健康,万事如意 帮我用英语翻译几个句子啊谢谢啦,要准确率高的啊.1,他没有向父母求助,因为他不想让父母知道自己正踏上以音乐谋生的道路(on the way to dong)2,他们应该利用这强劲增长势头来推进改革(reform)(p (I Don T Need You To) Set Me Free 歌词 You Need Me,I Don'T Need You 歌词 I could be everything you need \ say,what you wanna hear 关于月亮的传说100~50字数快 快卡卡卡还有诗词 寒食的传说,要语言简练,字数少一点,50字以内最为佳!