
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:20:16
tom is very --- he never cleans his rooma\ lazyb\ activec\ smartd\ healthy说理由! 电器开关上的1.Com.2.NO.3.NC各代表什么? -Did your brother go to America last year?-No,he's never been there该怎么分析?不明白此题为什么要用现在完成时,不用 No he did never go there. Did your brother go to America last year?A he did never go there Bhe has gone never there Che's never been there怎么选 英语翻译i don't want to miss you forever i believe这个应该怎么翻译呢 what the media can do英语作文 要足够读三分钟的 跪求史密斯飞船 I don t wanna miss a thing 歌词 吉他英雄史密斯飞船有I don't want to miss a thing这首曲子吗有知道的大大请告知啊 帮我打这几个词的英语音标,common,confident,pleasure,discovered,beauty ,improved,oral,trave,Monument,president,developed,developed,introduce,Forbidden,built,continuous The ticket of the film is 50 yuan.(对50 yuan提问) ( ) the ( ) of the ticket of the film? 以what do you do on weekends?为题写一篇英语作文急 the ticket for the movie is five yuan(each,every). speed不是不可数嘛,那么at a high speed 又怎么说呢、、、 The ticket for a child is 20 yuan(对20 yuan提问) 【只有一个地球】阅读答案据有幸飞上太空的宇航员介绍,他们在天际遨游时遥望地球,映入眼帘的是一个晶莹透亮的球体,上面蓝色和白色的纹痕相互交错,周围裹着一层薄薄的水蓝色“纱衣” 我们要写一篇阅读报告,要自己找一本书,关于地球的,题目是与自然共处,然后我找了一本书叫不可思议的自然界,里面写了很多关于动物的,例如蜻蜓是怎样洗澡的,雷是如何产生的,吃了海豚会 英语作文what can you do on the radio字数不用太多,谢谢 传媒和新闻的区别和联系 我们一起去怎么样用英语怎么说 at high/ top /full / low /ordinary speed和with great/ all speed的形容词能互换吗? 请问"speed"前"at"和"with"怎么用? The book has been translated into thirty language since it _____on the market in 1973.a.had come bThe book has been translated into thirty language since it _____on the market in 1973.a.had come b.has come c.came d.comes为什么不用was came,如果 at the speed of和with the speed of的不同 the book has been translated into thirty languages since it ------on the market in 1973A.had come B.has come C.came D.comes我知道选c,可我想问问ABCD分别是什么时态啊 my pen is seven yuan划线提问(划线的是seven yuan) 辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义的关系是().A.先形成辩证唯物主义,后形成历史唯物主义B.在马克思主义产生之前,就存在着辩证唯物主义哲学,历史唯物主义则是马克思、恩格斯创立的 C.辩证 辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义的认识? 英语翻译江西2012高考英语 英文高手进at very high speed还是at very high speeds 谁能根据我的k-speed英文名,翻译一个响亮的中文名?谢谢!k主要是取king王者之意,最好翻译中带有“不可比拟、好、高”等之意 英翻译中 China's economy is now developng at an incredible speed . “青威高速”英文如何拼写?是不是QingWei high speed?