
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:29:32
请问有没有手机背单词的工具?要有人教版的单词、单词录音,如果有课文和课文录音就更好了最好还有遗忘曲线,提醒我复习单词我的手机是5320 please tell me if she _____(come) tomorrow我们老师说是comes,他说这里的if是如果的意思(if是“如果”)可我却认为是will come,(if是“是否”)我们老师很确定,可我们学生都没有被说服, He asked ,'Will you tell me the answer to this question at this place tomorrow?'改为间接引语 I'll tell her as soon as she_______ from work.break inbring incall income infill inget input intake in she couldn't work( )the last question Do you know ____ A.if he go to school yesterdayB.when will he go to schoolC.why he didn't go to schoolD.how does he go to school Do you know ________________Do you know ________________A、whom she is looking after B、who is she looking C、 who is she looking after D、 whom she is looking 选择什么 为什么? Do you know ____ Do you know ____ A.if it will rain tomorrowB.where did they have the meetingC.which one would you chooseD.when shall we meet tomorrow Please tell her to go home when she _____(get) there. 英语句子改错:She as soon as get home,l wil call you.他一到家,我就给你打电话. 小林和小红录入同样一篇文章,小林用了12分钟,小红用了5分之1小时,谁录入得快一些? 上周小红获得小红花的四分之三和小林获得的三分之二相等,那么小林获得的小红花是小红的百分之己 选择题 —Do you think it easy . a conversation in English? —No, I don't think so.A. to have B. have C.to having D. had Do you think the news ______ very interesting?A.are B.is C.sound D.look应该选哪一个呢 我觉得news应该是不可数名词 而且好像是单复数同形的 这些都是我的猜想 哪位大侠能给我个正确答案 what do you think is the most difficult when learning English?英语口试要用 问一道英语选择题do you think i can work it out?a.you sure can b.you can sure c.you make sure d.you are suresure 的用法 ‘茶能醉人何须酒,书可香君勿求花’ 这句话怎么理解呢? 白的花胜似绿的叶,浓的酒不如淡的茶.因为需要演讲冰心的这个句子,所以要明白它的意思.千万不要只写一些什么淡泊名利啊清新啊淡雅啊什么的.因为本人理解无能希望各位能够仔仔细细的 “白的花胜似绿的叶,浓的酒不如淡的茶”.这句诗的深刻理解是? 用花比喻名人的文章以花来比喻一些名人(如:鲁迅,海明威.这样子)的性格,用一些不同的花来写这些人或比喻这些人的文章, 比喻所写文章非常优美(笔?) Do you know if Linda.-Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?-____,does it?A.It takes no timeB.It counts for nothing C,It doesn't hurt to askD.It doesn't make sense选什么?为什么? 从学校到天虹商城,小明用了12分钟,小红用了15分钟小明与小红的速度比是( ) Andy在回家的路上偶遇了他的一个老朋友.Andy------ ------ a n old friend ---- his way------ 在我回家的路上,我碰巧遇见我的一位老朋友.翻译成英语 上海新世纪英语课文高二第一学期第一课课文 Food in the United States 中文翻译谁能告诉一下? 昨天我在超市偶然遇见了一位老朋友 run across 英文翻译 具体解释一下为什么国家不允许办奥数班RT 为什么现在还有奥数班,不是说不办了么 徐州奥数班哪里好?徐州上奥数的地方?酬勤教育奥数班怎样?徐州奥数班需要找一个好的,让孩子去上课,有作文班也推荐一下,联系方式也要 怎样理解冰心的这句诗:白的花胜似绿的叶,浓的酒不如淡的茶? 高二第二学期新世纪英语课文第三课和第四课~第三课是Making friends 第四课是Adjo